Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/306

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Books, at Gyantse, 88, 90, 94; arsenical paper used for, 111; search for Sanskrit ones, 112; on lama dances, 118; written by Pan-chen lama, 120; owned by the Dorje Phagmo, 138; of Bonbo at Rigyal Sendar, 206; at Phuntso ling, 209; at Sakya, 210; copied by U. G. at Shendar, 215; at Samye, 222, 225; at Sakya, 241.

Bora, the Shape, 60, 61.

Bra-gyin-pa gomba. See Regyinpai monastery.

Bribery of Chinese officials, 52.

Bridge, bamboo, 1; over the Rummam, 2; over the Kalai, 6; over Rigbi, 8, 14; over Yalung, 21; over Yamatari, 23; over Yangma, 29; at Tashi-rabka, 37; over Nyang chu, 84; of chains over Tsang-po, 143; over Ti chu, 145; over Tong chu, 204; over Tsang-po, 228.

Brigands, 72, 129.

Broadcloth, superior quality made at Pishi Mani Lhakhang, 73; of Tosnam-gyaling, 218.

Broth, Tibetan, 48, 72.

Btsan-tang, plateau of, 233; lha-khang, 233.

Buckwheat, 32, 144, 145.

Buffaloes, 7.

Bur-chu tsan, springs, 204.

Burnt offerings, 203.

Butchering, Tibetan usages, 41.

Cabbages, 83.

Calcutta, goods in Tibet, 68; goods in Gyantse, 85.

Camels, winter pasturage of Pan-chen lama’s, 72.

Campbell, Dr., badly treated, 193.

Cangue, punishment of the, 186.

Cardamom, 1, 2, 6.

Catechu, used by women to smear faces, 157; origin of custom, 157.

Cavalry, how recruited, 180.

Cedar trees, 21.

Cemetery, at Shigatse, 65; at Gyantse, 87; of Lhasa, 163.

Censor carrier of Dalai lama, 167.

Chabug la, 39.

Chagpori, Mount, 145, 195, 196.

Chagri, hamlet of, 237.

Chaini, village of, 29.

Chamdang bird, 20.

Chandra Gomi, his Chandra Vyakarana found, 112.

Chang, national drink of Tibet, 8; its preparation, 23; drinking, 24, 70, 112.

Chang tang, plain of North Tibet, 52, 53; pilgrims from, at Gyantse, 89; travellers from, 119; lamas from, 205, 207.

Chani, village of, 39.

Changachelling monastery, 7.

Charcoal, used as fuel in houses, 60.

Charity, 64, 255.

Chasag, or Chancellor, 173.

Che (or Chi) chu, the Arun river, 42, 244.

Cheese, dried, 48.

Cheri, slaughter-house of Lhasa, 146.

Chess, game of, 260.

Chethang. See Tse-tang.

Chiakri. See Chagri.

Chiblung, village of, 210; valley, 243.

Chim phug, 222, 223.

Chincho-ling, hamlet of, 234.

Chinese, at Shigatse, 48; harsh treatment of Tibetans, 51; aid Tibetans against Sikhs, 53; arrogance of, at Shigatse, 55, 63; in procession, 60; cemetery at Shigatse, 65; in Gyantse, 85, 86; cemetery at Gyantse, 87; in Lhasa, 148, 150; political relations with Tibet, 178, 192, 193, 194; Chinese at Samye, 222; at Tse-tang, 230.

Chitishio Jong. See Kideshor.

Cho, village of, 235.

Choigyal rabtan, ruler of Nyang, 87; books about him, 88; his statue, 89.

Choi-khor-tse. See Chong-khor monastery.

Choilung monastery, 87.

Cho-kanchanjinga, 21, 23.

Choma, an edible root, 125.

Chomo Kankar mountain, 20, 242.

Chongdu-chog lamasery, 234.

Chong-khor monastery, 217.

Chong la. See Shong la.

Chonjom, on the Ringbi, 14.

Chopsticks, used by Tibetans, 82.

Chorka, part of Dobta djong, 244.

Chorten, 3, 7, 30, 32; at Tashilhunpo, 45; at Gyantse, 88; great ones in Tibet, 9; at Potala, 168; of Bonbo, 206; at Samye, 222; at Jong, 227; made of human ashes, 257.

Chorten-gang, 3.

Chorten Nyima river, 40.