Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/307

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Chosthor-gyal phodang. See Phodang djong.

Chos-gya, in Kong po, 161.

Choskhor-lhunpo monastery, 242.

Chu lonkyok. See Chum-bok la.

Chum-bok la, 17, 18, 19.

Chumbi, 73; traders from, at Shigatse, 104.

Chumig-gang, hamlet of, 145.

Chumo-lha ri, 87.

Chung, a name of Limbus, 3.

Chung Rivoche, 143.

Chunjorma mountain, 21, 22.

Chu-sho, village of, 242.

Chu-shu, brook, 242.

Chu-shul djong, 144.

Chuta, village of, 43.

Chuta Chyangma, village of, 72.

Chyabtam lama, tells a rich man how to escape evil birth, 64.

Chyag-dso-pa, or Treasurer, 80, 94, 95.

Chyag-na dorje, the god, 153; miracle working image of, 153.

Chyag-tsal gang, place of prayer-meeting, 198, 199.

Chyamba, the future Buddha, 152.

Chyang chu, village of, 70, 102, 124, 125.

Chyang-chub gya-lam, 33.

Chyangjob, household officer of Panchen lama, 55.

Chyasa lha-khang, sanctuary, 234.

Chyi-khyab Khanpo, or Prime Minister, 173.

Chyi-lon Hutuketu. See Minister.

Chying-sang, a name given the Kalon, 174.

Chyugpo mepang family, 39.

Chyugpu Shung, plateau of, 72.

Circumambulating, 78, 88; by Bonbo, 206, 211.

Club dance, 210.

Coin, debased, forced circulation of, 48; exchange of Indian coin for Tibetan, 49.

Complimentary address, 31, 32, 68, 264.

Conch shell, 242.

Contracts, how prepared, 190.

Corpse thrown into Lake Dumo, 139, 140; fed to vultures and dogs, 164; to pigs, 169; how disposed of by Bonbo, 208; of Panchen lama, 214; of children, how disposed of, 220; stone on which cut up, 232, 254; how treated on death, 252; releasing the spirit, 252; corpses of pregnant and barren women, 255; of lepers, 256; of incarnate lamas, 256; burning of corpses, 256; disposal of ashes, 257.

Cotton, 2.

Courier service, 177, 185.

Corvees, 182, 183, 184.

Courts, of Lhasa, 174.

Cranes, seen on Nyang chu, 72, 83, 125.

Cushions, 70.

Custom dues, 30, 31, 184.

Daba ngonpo, "blue clay," 28.

Dab-lung, village of, 140.

Dabung monastery, 146; by whom founded, 171; judicial power of Abbot, 177; revenues of, 182; annual rule of Dabung monks over Lhasa, 266.

Dacoity, penalty for, 186; ordeal for proving, 189.

Dahpon, or general, 51, 70, 80; of Gyantse, 86; where stationed, 180; social rank of, 246.

Dalai lama, collection of hymns by, 63; picture of the first receiving throne of Tibet, 79; ordination of, 104; enthronement of, 104; palace of father of, 147; mode of selecting, 159–161; discovery of latest incarnation, 161; audience of, 165; description of, 167; audience hall of fifth Dalai lama, 169; his position in Buddhist church, 170; incarnation of Shenrezig, 171; first one, 171; successors, 172; become sovereigns of Tibet, 172; origin of name, 172; majority at eighteen, 173; his throne at Samye, 222; his kitchen, 262; mode of preparing food for, 262; New Year's levee, 264.

Dam-ra, or "grove in a swamp," 149.

Dance by Tibetan girl, 108; by professionals, 217, 262, 265; on New Year’s day, 263, 265. See also Lama.

Dao-targe, village of, 76.

Darchendo, the town of, 156. See also Ta-chien-lu.

Darchung djong, 75. See also Tuchung Jong.

Darding sergo tamo temple, 206.

Darjiling, 1; Tibetan pottery sold at, 66; railway a danger for Chinese trade, 193; return to, 245.

Daru, near Lhasa, 146.