Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/309

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lama, 167; of Kalon, 174; of Bonbo lamas, 207; of hostess at Samye, 221.

Dropsy in Tibet, its treatment, 260.

Drum beating, by Limbus, 4, 11.

Dsambling gyan, tomb of Dalai lama, 169.

Dsamling gyeshe, an historical work, 62; copied for author, 68.

Dsongo stage house, 36.

Ducks, wild on Nyang chu, 83.

Dugpa, sect of lamas, 129.

Dugpa, a name of Bhutan, origin of name, 129.

Dugpa-kunleg, saint of the red hat lamas, 92, 94.

Du khang, or congregation hall, 78, 79, 95.

Dukpa-nagpa, old Shaman town, 75.

Du la, 15, 16.

Dumo tso, or Devil’s lake, 136.

Dung khor, civil officer, 75, 145; their number, how chosen, 175; their salaries, 176; social rank, 246.

Dung-yig, or clerk, 67; social rank, 246.

Dye plant, 213.

Dyspepsia, its varieties, 260.

Dzo, a weight, a tenth of a srang, 150.

Earring, 24, 30, 82.

Earthquakes, destroy Samye, 225.

Eclipses, religious ceremonies when they occur, 261.

Eggs, not eaten by lamas, 98.

Elephant, sent by Rajah of Sikkim to Lhasa, 100; difficulty of road for, 144; shed at Lhasa, 169.

Eleusine coracana. See Murwa.

Embalmment, 214, 256.

Emperor of China, worship of, 60; ratifies appointment of regent, 173.

Epidemic, annual, at Lhasa, 259.

Estates, great ones of Tibet, 183.

Exorcising evil spirits, 101.

Fable, the leopard and the ass, 198.

Feasts, 25th of 10th month, 56; of new moon, 64, 106; given general at Dongtse, 81; New Year’s day, 107, 112, 120; pre-Buddhist feast, 108; on date of Buddha’s death, 150; prayer-meeting in June, 198, 199; 15th of 8th moon, 199; July 19, great holiday, 201; harvest, 214; midsummer, 261; annual feasts, 261. See also New Year.

Feylep valley, 20.

Fines, in lieu of punishments, 187.

Fir trees, 218.

Fish, let loose as charity, 134; not eaten for a year by order of Dalai lama, 141; used as manure, 220.

Fishing, 2, 6.

Flagpoles, 149, 151.

Floor, made of mosaic, 78.

Flutes, 57, 108.

Fog, 234.

Foreigners, policy of Tibet regarding, 181, 192.

Fortune telling, 132, 134; forbidden, 212.

Fossils, as relics in temple, 227.

Foxes, 39, 245.

Funeral, feast, 68, 257; rites of Bonbo, 208; of Panchen lama, 214; persons forbidden to be present at, 253, 254; ceremonies, 254, 255.

Gadan, monastery of, its revenues, 182.

Gadan Gyahu, the usurper, 75.

Gadan khangsar, palace of, 172.

Gadan namchoi, birthday of Tsongkhapa, 56.

Gadan namgyal-ling, sanctuary of, 233.

Games, 260.

Gampo, or elder, 52.

Gandan Chakhang in Gyantse, 84; chapel in, 85, 89; description of, 91.

Gang. See Panam-gang.

Gar, attacked by the Sikhs, 53.

Garden, at Jorgya, 73; near Dongtse, 99; party, 201.

Gar, General of King Srong-btsan, 168.

Garpon, or governor of fortress, 53.

Garrison of Gyantse, 86.

Gartok, 70.

Ge river, 38.

Ge-chung, village of, 237.

Gedun-dub, founder of Tashilhunpo, 114; juniper tree grown from his hair, 119; reincarnate in first Dalai lama, 171.

Gedun-gyatso, the Tale lama, 63; becomes head of Dabung monastery, 171; first Dalai lama, 171; monastery founded by, 226.

Geese, wild, on Nyang chu, 83.

Gelong, or priest, 59; ordination of, 120, 126.

Gelugpa Church, feasts of, 56; image of