Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/310

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its supreme Buddha, 89; forbid use of wine, 90.

Gen-gang, boundary of Sikkim, 245.

Geru, village of, 244.

Gingu la, 75.

Glak-los, wild people, 258.

Goat, wild, in Sikkim, 2; at Karma, 42; stuffed at Gyantse, 91; wild, near Yamdo tso, 140; near the tsomo Tel-tung, 244.

Gods, of land and mountains, 32.

Goitse, at Kangpa-chan, 23; in other parts of Tibet, 258; treatment of, 258.

Gojogs, a mendong at Gyantse, 87.

Gok, village of, 1.

Golab Sing, his war with Lhasa, 53.

Golden jar, used for selecting Dalai lama, 160.

Golog, their country, 196; their customs and religion, 197; kissing among them, 197.

Gondang-tangme, valley of, 231. See also Yarlung.

Gongkhar, djong, 218, 235; mountains, 235.

Gon-po, the god, 169.

Gonpoi ri, 229.

Good luck, sign of, 166; how insured for the year, 264; dance, 264; signs watched for on New Year’s day, 265.

Greyhound, 99.

Guilt offering ceremony, 263, 264.

Guma shara, village of, 37, 38.

Gumo tang, 16.

Gungri gung-btsan, Prince, 168.

Gure, village of, 243.

Guring tribe of Limbus, 20.

Gushi Khan, the conqueror of Tibet, 79.

Gya, or Chinese, 52.

Gya-bum gang, square of, 155. See also Tomse-gang.

Gyade country, 205.

Gyal-tsab, or regent, 172. See also Desi.

Gyampo, or elder, 176.

Gyantse djong, 63; general at, 80; town of, 80; author wishes to visit it, 81; description of, 84; market at, 85; ancient province of, 87; climate of, 88.

Gyapon, or captain, 86.

Gyarong, the district of, 76; lamas from, 205.

Gyatso-shar, village of, 70, 196, 200; beauty of, 201.

Gyatu-ling, village of, 235.

Gyerpal, village of, 234.

Gyunsar, village of, 23, 27.

Haboi ri of Samye, 221, 224.

Hailo, village of, 140.

Hall, of worship, 57; of departed saints, 214.

Hamdang Kham-tsan, 73.

Hares, 20, 39, 83, 144.

Harman, Captain, 26, 41.

Harvest, lucky day to begin it, 213.

Hat, 30, 40; of lamas, 69; worn in lama dances, 114; taking off, 31, 95, 107; felt, 203.

Hayagriva, 22, 137.

Headdresses, of Tibetan women, 38, 55, 67, 85, 221; origin of, 157; peculiar of the Dungkhor, 176; value of, 200.

Hermits, 228, 232.

Hi, range, vegetation on, 4; village of, 5, 7; view from pass (Hi la), 5.

Hooker, Dr., meets Phurchung, 22; attempt to enter Tibet, 192, 193.

Horba, met at Tos nam-gyaling, 218; bring salt to Samye, 226.

Horn, 57.

Horses, richly ornamented, 52; hoof revered, 114, 116.

Hoshang Dharma-tala, the, 115.

House, in Tashilhunpo, 45, 46; no chimney, 60; outside decoration, 69, 72; interior of, at Tashigang, 74; at Kye-pa Khangsar, 96; of lama at Samding, 132, 135; of noble at Lhasa, 150, 162; ceremonies for consecrating new home, 202, 203.

Hydrophobia, treatment of, 257.

Iago, village of, 43, 75.

Illumination, of Tashilhunpo, 56.

Images, holy, at Dongtse, 78; at Gyantse, 89, 90; metal out of which made, 100; painted on rocks, 142, 145; in Jo khang at Lhasa, 151, 152, 153, 157; in Potala, 168; at Ombu lha-khang, 230.

Impostor, claims discovery of sacred volumes, 94.

Incarnate lama, 56; college of, 57; received as novice, 57; female one, 131; (see Dorje phagmo), degraded for