Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/313

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vows, 113; early rivers, 113; dance, 114, 117, 118, 204, 210, 263; from Khams, as traders, 156; officials, 176; revenues of, 182.

Lamb skins, lining of clothing, 67.

Lampokri. See Tama chu lake.

Lamps, lit on New Year's eve, 120.

Lamteng valley, monkeys in, 2.

Langbu la, 38.

Langdarma, King, 153; destroys Samye, 225.

Lang la, 237.

Langma, village of, 129.

Lap-chyi peak, 18, 20.

Larche tree, 23, 29.

Lasa, village of, 209.

Lawsuits, how settled, 178.

Lebor, a measure of distance, 185.

Leeches in Sikkim, 5.

Leopards in Sikkim, 14, 18; snow leopards, 20; stuffed at Gyantse, 91.

Lepchas, their fishing, 2; mode of killing monkeys, 2; notices on, 5; priests, 6; marriage, 6; burials, 6; no religion, 7; paradise, 21.

Leprosy, its cause and treatment, 259, 260.

Letter writing, difficulty in Tibetan, 49.

Lha-bab ri, sanctuary of, 232.

Lhacham, or lady of rank, 121; stops at Nangartse, 130; her drawing-room, 161 arranges audience with Dalai lama for S. C. D., 165; to whom title given, 174.

Lhadong, village of, 210.

Lhagpa-tsering, the charity of, 64.

Lhakha, peak of, 38.

Lha khang, or temple, 31.

Lhalu, the Shape, 51, 66.

Lhamo sung chyong-ma, oracle of, 173, 211.

Lhari-zim phug, monastery, 88; books at, 88.

Lhartse djong, 209.

Lhasa, tribute sent it by Kashmir, 52; its war with Kashmir, 53; stops travel to and from India, 63; road to, best season to travel, 85; enforces strict rules as to foreign travel, 103; protests against Panchen taking vow of monkhood, 120; S. C. D. advised not to stay long at, 128; first view of, 145, 146; enters city, 147; description of streets, 148, 149, 150; filth in streets, 155; view of from Potala, 166; author leaves, 195.

Lhasre, a title, 126; to whom given, 174.

Lha-tsun, Buddhist saint, legend connected with, 21; lived at Manding gomba, 30, 31; founded Dongtse gomba, 78; books concerning, 88.

Lhena djong, 72.

Lhimpotse, village of, 237.

Lhokha country, 216.

Lholing, village of, 66.

Lhopas, Southerns, 21; various kinds of, 125; marriage customs of, 125; raid country round Lake Palti, 216.

Limbudu, country of the Limbu, 3, 4.

Limbus, their fishing, 2; tilling, 3; early habit at, 3; called Chung by Lepchas, 3; houses, 3; customs, 4; cultivation, 6; priests, 6; physicians, 7; woman, 9; marriages, 10; divination, 11; use khatag, 12; burial services, 12; a Limbu legend, 20.

Ling, the four great of Lhasa, 173; of Samye, 222.

Ling, village of, 217.

Lingbo chen. See Lhimpotse.

Lingcham, village of, 5, 7.

Lingkor, circumambulation, 87; of Lhasa, 169.

Lithographic press, brought to minister, 50, 59; fear it might spread small-pox, 105; first printing on, 107.

Lito phug, division of Gyantse, 87, 91.

Lobding, country place of minister, 70.

Logang ferry, 228.

Loh-bu Jong. See Ling.

Lomba hills, 221.

Lora, village of, 242.

Luguri djong, 43, 211. See also Jong Luguri.

Lu khang, or "snake house," of the Jo khang, 163; palladium of Tibet preserved in, 163.

Lumber for Lhasa, 221.

Lungkyong chu, 29.

Lungmo la, 14.

Lung ta, or "wind horse," 149; keeps off leprosy, 259.

Lupa gyaltsan, a friend of author's, 50, 104, 107.