Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/314

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Machen, or chief cook, 45.

Machig labdron, saint, 227, 228.

Magar tribe, 26.

Mahakala, a patron god, formerly Matrankaru, 139.

Maitreya, image of, at Gyantse, 90; at feast at Shigatse, 199; worship of, 200.

Mamo, the goddesses, or she-devils, 22; towers sacred to, 76; images of, 99.

Manda phug, 22; la, 22.

Manding monastery, 29, 30; its importance, 31.

Manidara, 3.

Mantra (charms) recited, 34, 41; author not proficient in, 59; continual repetition of, 90.

Mapham, lake, 53.

Map-ja, village of, 242.

Magpon, or general, 178.

Mang ja, or "general tea," 132, 133, 205.

Mani lhakhang, or prayer wheel temple, 73, 74, 76; of Tashilhunpo, 119.

Market of Shigatse, provisions brought, 69.

Markham, the province of, 76.

Marmots, 242.

Marriage ceremonies of Bonbo, 208; customs of Tibet, 247–250; forbidden degrees of consanguinity, 251; polyandric, 251, 252.

Marsh, near Lhasa, 146.

Mastiffs, chained before gate, 70; stuffed at Gyantse, 91.

Matrankaru, the demon, 138; destroyed by Tamdrin, 139. See also Mahakala.

Maudgalyayana, disciple of the Buddha, 152; his bill preserved at Lhasa, 152.

Mayaphug, 29.

Me agtsoms, King, orders the Tsang-po to be whipped, 221.

Meals, at Tashilhunpo, 46, 48, 49; supplied tailor, 62; with the Deba Shikha, 71, 72; of high officials, 82; with minister, 83, 98, 99; with Lupa gyaltsan, 107.

Medicine, given by S. C. D. to Tibetans, 41, 54, 98; bought at Darjiling, 42; given to Tibetan lady, 121; given him by the Dorje phagmo, 132, 133; by lamas, 134; used by Tibetans, 257.

Melung, village of, 217.

Mende, village of, 41.

Mendong, or stone piles, 3, 4, 15, 32, 64, 69, 87; of Bonbo, 206.

Mice, tame in chapel, 159.

Mikyod dorje, the god, 155.

Milarapa, saint, a legend concerning, 153, 154.

Militia, Tibetan, 40; commanded by Amban, 178; how recruited, 180.

Mindol-ling lamasery, 234, 235.

Minister, Prime, 173; Council of Ministers, 173; duties of, 173, 174.

Minister of Temporal Affairs of Tsang, 41, 51; letter to, 49; his country house at Lobding, 70; receives author at Dongtse, 76; his literary work, 78, 80; talk with author, 80; learns to write Roman characters, 81; learning English, 83; his mother visits him, 94; exorcises evil spirits, 101; wants to learn surveying, 101; promises to facilitate author’s journey to Lhasa, 101; promises to send S. C. D. to Lhasa, 106; studies with author, 108; speaks Mongol, 109; interest in astronomy, 109; views on stars, 110; lodges S. C. D. in his residence, 110, 111; does not eat in the afternoon, 112; speaks of Panchen of S. C. D., 120; ordains priests, 120; S. C. D. takes leave of, 128; stricken with small-pox, 169, 196; writes in Roman character, 202.

Mint of Lhasa, 171.

Mipon, or headman, 176.

Mirkan la, 22.

Mirkan Pandita, a Mongol, 124.

Mishmis, the, 123.

Misser, peasantry or serfs, 51; how to be treated by officials, 177; property of, 182.

Missionaries, feared in Tibet, 193.

Mitogang road, 2.

Mi-wang, King, his birthplace, 75.

Miza lakelet, 32.

Mongol, in Tashilhunpo, 48; lama, failed at examination, 48; punishment for forgery, 56; pilgrims at Tashilhunpo, 109.

Monkeys in Sikkim, 2.

Monks, admission to the Kham tsan order, 57.

Mon lam, or prayer meeting, 198, 262, 265.

Month, fourth, the holiest, 133.