Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/315

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Mourning, signs of, 203; on death of Panchen lama, 214, 256; of abbots and others, 256.

Mountain sickness, see la-dug; tops, prayer and offering, 142.

Mudang phug, 22.

Mug, village of, 39.

Mu-li-ding-ki tso, image of new Dalai lama appears on its waters, 161.

Murder, punishment for, 187; ordered for proving, 189.

Murmis, at Shigatse with envoy of Kashmir, 52.

Murwa, bier, 3; fields of, 7.

Musk deer, 29; near Yamdo tso, 140.

Nabso la, 141.

Nachung chos-kyong, oracle of, 146; description of temple, 146; consulted as to successor of Dalai lama, 160; of regent, 173; of Sakya Panchen, 241.

Nagshu chyema, 221.

Nagtsa-shar, or Black Court, 174.

Nag-wang lob-zang, the fifth Dalai lama, 169; first sovereign of Tibet, 172.

Nag-wang lo-zang tubdan gya-tso, the present Dalai lama, 161; description of, 167.

Naga, district of, 123.

Nagpa, or sorceress, 75, 109; — khang, 114, 118.

Nag-wang kun-bzang, a Dorje phagmo, 137.

Na-Pematang, paradise of the Lep-chas, 21.

Nairanjana, sand from the river, 152.

Nam, hamlet of, 144.

Nambu, village of, 43; la, 43.

Nambura, village of, 8, 10.

Namga stream, 21.

Namga-tsal, 13, 21.

Namgyal Ta-tsan, of Lhasa, 143, 168, 169.

Namring monastery, 78, 209.

Nangartse djong, 63, 129, 130, 140.

Nango ferry, 228; la, 22, 38, 29.

Nanin monastery, 87.

Nari ta-tsang, monastery of, 226.

Naring, village of, 211.

Nartang, town of, 70, 237.

Natog, village of, 72.

Ne-dong djong, 230.

Nembotong, village of, 75.

Nepal, war with Tibet, 36; friendly relations with Tibet, 181.

Nepalese, at Shigatse, 52; their trade with Tibet, 68; in Gyantse, 85; in Lhasa, 149, 150; in Samye, 222; at Tse-tang, 230.

Nesar, village of, 76.

Netang, village of, 144, 145, 196.

Nettle, giant, in Sikkim, 5, 7.

New moon ceremonies, 133.

New Year’s Day, 107; festivities for, 112, 113, 260, 262–266.

Ngambu dung la. See Nambu la.

Niru chu, 87.

Noga slope, camp at, 17.

Noijinhamara temple, 224.

Noi-jin kang-zang mountains, 87, 129.

Noijin norpa zang-po mountain, 129.

Non chu, 208.

Norbu gang, hamlet of, 145.

Norbu linga, palace of, 147.

Norgya Nangpa, 72.

Norpa khyung-djin, ruins of lamasery, 75, 123.

Num chu, its course, 70.

Nuns, 121; and monks living together, 232.

Nyagpa, or sorceress. See Nagpa.

Nya-kri btsan-po, King, 230, 232.

Nyang choi jung Nyimai odser, title of historical work, 94.

Nyang chu, 72, 73, 75; extent and fertility of, 83; source of, 87; an affluent of, 101; headwaters of, 129; bathing in, 214.

Nyema lung. See Melung.

Nyen. See Nango ferry.

Nyer-tam. See Netang.

Nyingma, sect of lama, 37; impostor of, claims discovery of sacred volumes, 94; nuns, wear long hair, 121; Palti djong one of its strongholds, 141; holiest shrine of, 232; colour of buildings, 238. See also Red-hat sect.

Oath, form of, in Tibet, 107.

Offerings to gods, 78, 134; at a haunted spot, 141; on tops of mountains, 142.

Om-dse, or master of ceremonies, 115, 205.

Om mani padme hum, cut on rocks, 38; when recited, 55.

Oma tang, plateau of, 129, 236.