Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/316

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Ombu lha-khang, palace of, 230; village of, 230.

Omens, watched for on New Year’s Day, 265.

Onions, wild, 7.

Oranges, 7; in Gyantse, 92.

Orchard, at Pishi mani lhakhang, 73.

Ordeals, 188–190.

Paddy fields, in Sikkim, 3.

Padma Sambhava, identified with the Limbu Srijanga, 4; image painted on temple, 76; his birthday, 210; his cave at Samye, 222; his prophecy concerning Samye, 224; driven away by Bonbo, 225; his cell, 232.

Painam. See Panam-gang.

Pa la, 210.

Palchen chuvori, monastery of, 143; by whom built, 143.

Paldan lhamo, image of at Lhasa, 154, 158; mice in her chapel, 159. See also Srimati devi .

Paljor rabtan, house in Lhasa, 149.

Palkhor choide, great temple of Gyantse, 81; visit to, 83; chorten of, 84; surveyed, 86; by whom founded, 88; description of, 90.

Palmistry, esteemed in Tibet, 97.

Palmoi-pal tang, desert of, 154.

Palri, 75. See also Pe li.

Palri Kusho, the lama, 88.

Palti, lake, 130; djong, 141; origin of name, 141; town saved by miracle, 141, 142; passed through, 196, 236. See also Yamdo-yum tso.

Palti Shabdung, a saint who saved Palti djong, 141.

Panam-gang, village of, 72; doi, 74; district, of, 74; djong, 88.

Panchen lama, 56; attends an ordination, 57; his blessing, 57; description of, 57; receives the Amban, 62; punished for doubting gods, 89; visit to Lhasa, 104; his literary work, 118; Lhasa Government accuses him of heresy, 118; mode of selection of, 160; sovereignty of Ult. Tibet given him by Kushi Khan, 172; audience to Amban, 179; belief he will leave Tibet, 180; its consequence, 181; independent spirit of, 181; when absent from ceremonies how represented, 198; fatal illness of, 202; death of, 203; cause of, 203, 204; war of Bonbo stock, 207; incidents connected with death of 211, 212; his funeral, 214.

Pangang, village of, 75. See also Pong kong.

Pangbo la, 22.

Pangri, hamlet of, 76.

Pankor shornub, mountains of, 72.

Panza, village of, 235.

Paongtang, 13.

Parade ground, at Shigatse, 65.

Paralysis, prevalence of, 259.

Pargo kaling chorten, western gateway of Lhasa, 147, 151.

Parrot in Tashilhunpo, 112.

Passport, 62, 67, 77; severe rules enforced at Khamba djong, 102; given Ugyen-gyatso, 109, 110; duties of officials concerning, 177; from Golog chiefs, 197; given author, 236.

Patama, ferry on the Tsang-po, 66.

Patna, merchants of in Lhasa, 149.

Patsal, hamlet of, 74. See also Pishi.

Pay of troops, 86.

Pe li. See Palri.

Peach trees, 226.

Pearls, sale for at Shigatse, 104.

Pema-kyod, province of, 183; goitre prevalent in, 258.

Pema-yangtse, village of, 7.

Penagangdo, village of, 72. See also Penjang.

Penam jong. See Panam-gang.

Peru, nunnery of, 218.

Peri jang, 74. See also Penagangdo.

Perong shavea, hamlet of, 70.

Peurbu, or Nepalese, 68.

Phagmodu, dynasty, 159, 226; origin of name, 226; its old capital, 227; village of, 226; royal city of, 230.

Phagpa, the lama, 159, 240; books presented him, 241.

Phagpa lha, greatest noble of Tibet, 183.

Phagri djong, 63; road to and from Gyantse, 87; traders from at Shigatse, 104; pass, 109.

Phala, the Dahpon, 80; reception of at Dongtse, 81; his home in Lhasa, 85, 149, 150; a friend of the minister, 101; his wife ill, 120.