Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/317

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Phamu-bub. See Phagmodu.

Pheasants, 14, 16; snow, 20; green, 21, 29.

Phendi Khangsar, minister of Tsang, 41.

Pherug mountains, 34, 38, 238.

Phodang djong, 230.

Phodang marpo, palace of Potala, 166; architecture of, 169.

Phola, village of, 75.

Phrug, or serge, 30.

Phugpa karpo, 33, 34.

Phuntso Khangsar, residence of minister at Tashilhunpo, 47, 49, 107, 108, 211.

Phunsto ling monastery, 209.

Phurchung, 2, 10, 20; his brother-in-law, 22; his meeting with Sir Joseph Hooker, 22; native village of, 23; his uncle, 24; his faithfulness, 27; drunkenness, 30; gives a bond for S. C. D., 31; his duties at Tashilhunpo, 47; sent to Khamba djong, 60; returns to Tashilhunpo, 102; prepares to return to India with U. G., 110; starts on journey, 111; returns to Shigatse, 196; rejoins S. C. D., 216.

Phyling, or foreigner, 102.

Pictures hung up for bestowing blessings, 119.

Pigeons, 43, 224.

Pigs, wild, 7, 14; at Tale, 7; fed on corpses at Lhasa, 169; where raised, 183.

Pillars of Jo khang, 163.

Pills, magical, 30, 132, 138, 168, 202, 203.

Pishi, village of, 72.

Pishi mani lhakhang, 73, 125.

Plantain, wild, 8.

Ploughing, in Sikkim, 3; ceremonies at beginning of, 123.

Plum trees, 226.

Pobo, province of, 258; goitre prevalent there, 258.

Po phug, 33.

Podong-chogleg namgyal, author, 138.

Pogpon, or paymaster, 62; of Shigatse, 86.

Poison, for killing bears, 2; for fishing, 6; weed near Bogto la, 16; natives killed by, 27.

Pole, camp, 39.

Police, Tibetan, 40; Chinese at Shigatse, 48.

Polo, game of, 260.

Polyandry, 96; Tibetan views on, 162; husbands not related, 216, 238; origin of custom, 251, 252.

Pomda, town of, 156.

Pong kang. See Pangang.

Ponpoi ri, 238.

Poplars, near Shigatse, 73; at Aniung, 76; at Dongtse, 95, 99; near Lhasa, 144, 149; sprung from hair of Buddha, 151; along Tib chu, 218; at Taga-sho, 226.

Postal service, 177, 185; diet of couriers, 185.

Potala, mount, at Lhasa, 145, 146; visit to, 166; audience with Dalai lama at, 166–169; annual white-washing of, 262.

Potatoes, 23, 24, 26, 83, 98, 231.

Pottery, of Tanag, 66; manufacture of, in Tibet, 66; at Ring-la, 216.

Potentilla anserina, used as food, 264.

Prayer-wheels, 25; turned by water, 28; at Dongtse, 98; at Tashilhunpo, 119; at Potala, 166; at Shari, 217; meeting, 189, 262.

Presents, money and scarves usually used, 46, 49, 71; made guests on arrival, 74; to Chyag-dso-pa, 96; to minister of rugs, serge, etc., 100; to Dalai lama, etc., 104; of green barley, 143; to Dalai lama, 167; New Year, 264.

Prisoners, cruelly treated, 49, 51, 62, 186.

Procession, to worship Emperor of China, 60; on arrival of general at Dongtse, 80, 82; escorts minister out of Dongtse, 95; New Year’s, 263.

Property, exempted from seizure, 191; disposal of at death, 255.

Propitiatory ceremonies of Lord of death, 124; of gods of life, 133, 134; of Tamdrin, 135, 137.

Pudding, blood, 26.

Pulo, or serge, 100.

Pungde, town of, 156. See also Pomda.

Punishment, of Tibetan officials, 51, 52, 54; for forgery, 56; for murdering lamas, 64; of work-people, 213.

Purang, on Nepal border, 53.

Purug. See Phrug.

Quoits, game of, 202.