Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/319

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Sangri jong, 228.

Sangri khamar monastery, 227.

Sangye-gyatso, the Desi, 79, 169, 172.

Sanskrit, books found by S. C. D., 112.

Santa Rakshita, saint, 224; driven away by Bonbo, 225.

Sarsha, village of, 70.

Satu. See Tsamba.

Saving life, to acquire merit by, 134.

Sawe. See Samye.

Sa-yong, headman, 238.

Sayong kong, plateau, 28; hok, 28.

Science, interest in, in Tibet, 102.

Seal, great, by whom held, 173; attached on property after death, 211.

Sedan chairs, by whom used in Tibet, 61, 130, 174.

Semaron, village of, 70.

Semarum la, 19, 20.

Semu, village of, 144.

Seng-chen, or lama minister, 202.

Sera, monastery of, 147; judicial power of abbot of, 177; revenue of, 182.

Serge, 30; superior quality made at Pishi Mani lhakhang, 73; presented to minister, 100; of Tos nam-gyaling, 218.

Serkempa, or lay monk, 156.

Serpon, or collector of customs, 109.

Shab chu. See Ré chu.

Shabdung, or page, 79.

Shabshi, village of, 217.

Shalchepa, title given the Kalon, 174.

Shalu, monastery, 72; chu, 72.

Shamalung. See Tamalung.

Shandung chu, 217.

Shape, minister of State, 36, 48, 51; in procession, 61; also called Kalon; 174.

Shari, village of, 217.

Shar Khambu district, 18, 26; mountains of, 20, 35.

Shata, the Shape, 36, 173.

Shar-chyog Aniung, village of, 76.

Shartse college, 119; Khanpo of, finds the Dalai lama, 160, 161.

Sharui teng, a haunted spot, offering made at it, 141.

Sheep, wild, 16, 32, 37, 42, 244, 245; carcasses cooked whole, 42; wild, stuffed at Gyantse, 91; horns hung before temple, 151.

Shendar ding, village of, 205, 214.

Shenrab mivo, chief deity of the Bonbo, 205; his descendants, 206.

Shenrezig, the god, 76; incarnate in Tamdrin, 138, 139; famous statue of, in Lhasa, 152; statue at Potala, 168; incarnate in Dalai lama, 171; one of his favourite resorts, 229.

Shen-tang srung-lug, sect of Bonbo, 208.

Shen tsang family, 206, 207; —lug, sect of lamas, 208.

Sherab dongbu, cited, 177.

Shetag mountains, 231.

Shetama, maidservant, 96, 150.

Shetoi, village of, 129.

Shetot. See Shetoi.

Shigatse, town of, 43; market at, 47, 51, 52; people dishonest, 111; climate, 113; return of U. G. to, 211.

Shikya, village of, 238.

Shing donkar, village of, 146.

Shinyer, or foreman, 146.

Sho, tenth of an ounce, 184.

Shong la, 238.

Shong-mar-tse, village of, 210.

Shong chu, 242.

Shong-pa la, 242, 243.

Shugpa tang, 29.

Shulenpa, title given the Kalon, 174.

Shyati-ling, village of, 235.

Sikhs, at Shigatse with envoy of Kashmir, 52.

Sikkim, north-west boundary of, 2; Tibetan pottery sold in, 66; Rajah’s sister, 206.

Sing-dong, waterfall in the Tsang-po, 125.

Singing songs, 108; birds, 221.

Singli mountains, 2, 5, 6, 20.

Singma la, 237.

Slate, wooden, used to learn to write on, 81.

Small-pox, fear of, 105, 110, 193; in Central Tibet, 126; at Nangartse, 130; ceremonies for recovery, 130; persons ill with, 143; prayers for recovery, 146; spread of, in Lhasa, 155, 170; near Sakya, 238; hospitals for, 242; treatment of, 257.

Snakes, at hot springs, 205; their bite rare, 258; treatment of, 258; eaten by Lalos, 258.

Snow, fall of, 123, 124.

Snow-shoes, 26.

Soap, substitute for, 100.