Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/320

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Social divisions of Tibet, 246, 247.

Solpon, or steward, 50; chenpo, or cup-bearer of the Dalai lama, 167.

Sonam chuphel, the Desi, 172.

Sonam-gyatso, the Dalai lama, 172.

Songkar, village of, 220; origin of name, 221; la, 221.

Springs, hot, 204, 211.

Srang, or ounce, 182.

Sri Dandi, his Kavyadarsha found, 112; minister’s opinion of, 112; study of it by S. C. D., 113.

Srang-btsan gambo, King, his Chinese wife, 151; image of Shenrezig, made by him, 152; his soul absorbed in it, 153; image of king, 153; his stone seat, 153; picture painted with his blood, 159; his image in Potala, 168; temple built by, 230, 232.

Stag, stuffed at Gyantse, 91.

Stirrup-cup, 28.

Store houses in Djong, 177.

Stove, earthenware, 60, 112, 162.

Stuffed pheasants, 8; animals of Gyantse, 91.

Sumdongma plain, 29.

Summer retirement of lamas, 214, 261.

Sunapara, village of, 70.

Sundub phug, 18.

Surgeons, college of, at Lhasa, 195, 196.

Surveying mode followed for Gyantse, 86, 87; minister wants to learn, 101.

Swallows, 43.

Ta-chien-lu, the town of, 156.

Tag, village of, 220.

Taga-sho, village of, 226.

Tag chhen Panda. See Tag-tsan bumba.

Tagkar-sho, ruins of, 226.

Tagmar. See Tamar.

Tagnag, village of, 211.

Tagong. See Taugang.

Tag-po, birth-place of new Dalai lama, 161; annexed to Sakya, 240.

Tag-tsan bumba, shrine of, 231.

Taimen, hamlet of, 75.

Taisamling college, 119.

Takoar, village of, 1.

Tale of the two friends who tried to deceive each other, 92–94.

Tale, village of, 7, 8.

Ta-lung, village of, 216.

Tama chu, lake, 15.

Tama la, 22.

Tamalung, village of, 142, 236.

Tamar, village of, 43.

Tamarisk trees, 230.

Tambur valley, early inhabitants, 3, 27; Khola Limbu, 20.

Tamdrin, the god, 22; see also Hayagriva; incarnation of Shenrezig, 138; destroys demon, 139.

Ta miran kukyab, crags, 22.

Tana, village of, 209.

Tanag, village of, 66; estate of minister at, 125; visited by U. G., 204; incarnate lama at, 241.

Tanag Donphug, lamasery of, 241.

Tandub, temple of, 230.

Tang-da. See Tanta.

Tanglung, village of, 40.

Tang-pe, valley of, 204.

Tangye-ling monastery, 149, 195; regent taken from, 173.

Tang-tong gyal-po, King, builds bridge over Tsangpo, 143; his other works, 143.

Tanka, Tibetan coin, 39.

Tanta, hamlet of, 217.

Tao valley, 238.

Taranath lama, early residence, 209.

Targod chyi-khang, author lodged in, 45; leaves it, 111.

Targye, village of, 41, 211, 244.

Tarmima. See doche.

Tarpa gang, 34.

Tashi-chos ding monastery, 24.

Tashiding hill, at mouth of Kalai river, 6.

Tashigang, village of, 74, 101, 121, 123, 204.

Tashigong, village of, 243.

Tashi-gyantsa, village of, 62, 69, 125; description of, 69.

Tashi lama. See Panchen lama.

Tashilhunpo, frontier of, 40; author’s first journey to, 40; arrival at, 43, 44; residence at, 45 et sqq.; beauty of, 45; illumination of, 56; worship of Emperor of China in, 60; view of, 69; employés living at Tashi-gyantsa, 69; inscription relating to founder of, 114; great temple of, 114, 117; S. C. D. leaves it for Lhasa, 124; house in Lhasa belonging to, 149; final departure from, 237.