Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/321

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Tashi-rabka, 32, 35, 36, 77; wall at, 36; bridge at, 37; traders at, 38.

Ta-tsan or colleges of Tashilhunpo, 117.

Ta-u, relay of horses, 52; officers of the, 63; tax, 182; by whom due, 185.

Taugang, village of, 74.

Tax-collectors, 177; duties and rights, 184.

Taxes, 181; exempted classes, 182; fixation of, 182, 183; lamaseries exempted from, 183; assessments, how made, 183; on wine, 183; on store-keepers, pedlars, 184; paid to landlords, 213.

Tea, drinking, 24, 49, 77–80; "general tea," 132, 205; varieties at Lhasa, 159; its introduction into Tibet, 159; grace before drinking, 167, 168; drinking by lamas, 207.

Teak wood pillars, in Jo khang, 163.

Tebong, village of, 39.

Telephone invented by lama, 208.

Teling, hamlet of, 76.

Temple, description of, at Dongtse, 78; at Gyantse, 90; at Samye, 222; at Sakya, 239.

Temple, Sir Richard, 73, 193.

Tertalingpa family, 235.

Theft, how punished, 187; ordeal for determining, 189.

Thorny shrub on Oma tang, 129.

Threshing, method of, 216, 218.

Tib chu, 218; village of, 218; la, 217, 218.

Tibgyu chu, 39.

Ti chu, 145; bridge over, 145.

Tiger, in Sikkim, 14; stuffed, at Gyantse, 91.

Timkra la, monkeys near, 2.

Timpon, police court of Lhasa, 174.

Tingri djong, 50, 121; road to, 50; general at, 80; visited by Amban, 178.

Tingugma, village of, 29.

Tinkar la, 84.

Tinki, peaks of, 238.

Tinle-gyatso, the Dalai lama, 159.

Tisrong detsan, King, 222; his image, 223; founds Samye, 225; monastery built by, 230.

Tobacco, smoking forbidden in Tashilhunpo, 119; by lamas generally, 119.

Tobgyal, palace of, 199; Panchen lama dies there, 203, 214.

Toilung, village of, 145.

Toilung chu. See Ti chu.

Toilung Tsorphu, 50.

Toi Suduling, monastery of, 218.

Toitsi, village of, 143.

Toll, bridge, 184.

Tom chu, 238.

Tombs, of Panchen lamas, 56, 69, 118; of Dorje phagmo, 136, 137; of first Dalai lama, 169.

Tomse-gang, square of, 155. See also Gya-bum gang.

Tondub Khangsar, family, 55; office at, 62; passport from, 67.

Tondub ling, 209.

Tongbu, village of, 142.

Tong chu, 204.

Tonglo mountain, 5.

Tong-shoi. See Dong-sho.

Tonmi Sambhota, the minister, 168.

Ton namgyalling Jong. See Tos-nam-gyaling.

Toothache, caused by worms, 60; its prevalence in Tibet, 260.

Torma offerings, 56, 126, 262.

Tos-nam-gyaling, town of, 218.

Tovo Metsig-pa, the god, 153.

Trade, between Lhasa and China, 156; customs in Tibet, 191, 192.

Trap, for pheasants, 14.

Treasury of Tibet, 51.

Trees sprung from hair of saint, 227.

Troops, their pay, 180.

Tsa-khang, village of, 144.

Tsal-pa-nang, ruined village, 144.

Tsamba, parched barley meal, 40; how eaten, 112.

Tsandan-yu lha-khang, temple of, 232.

Tsang khang, or "chief temple," 151, 153.

Tsarong chu, 238.

Tsa tsam, 33.

Tsang, or Ulterior Tibet, 41; generals in, 80.

Tsang-po, the river, 66; waterfall at entry into Bhutan, 125; first view of, 142; bridge over, 143; crossing of by boat, 143; crowd near Tashi-gang, 204; ferry at Rag-tso, 209; passage near Kideshor, 219; at Samdub, 227; ferry at Logang, 228; journey along, 234, 235.

Tsari, country of, 88, 125. See also Yaru tsang-po.

Tse-chan monastery, 84; one of most ancient in Tibet, 87; doctor from, 121.