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Wolves, 36.

Women, occupied in business, 55; their labours, 72; sell in market, 85; not in business at Shigatse, 85; harshly treated, 99; dress of wealthy, 121; make bricks, 143; official duties towards, 177; when unclean, 214; purification of, 214.

Worship, in temple of Dongtse, 78; by minister, 95; Kalachakra mandala, 127, 128.

Wu-tse temple of Samye, 222, 224.

Yab la, 235.

Ya-go, village of. See Iago.

Yak, riding, 30; bulls drive off wolves, 36; stuffed at Gyantse, 91; horns hung before temple, 151; legend concerning some yak horns, 153, 154.

Yakthanga, name of Limbus, 3.

Yalung, valley, 20, 242; river, 21; village, 22.

Yamata ri valley, 22, 23.

Yambu, a weight of silver, 51.

Yamdo tso, 136, 216. See also Palti, lake, and Yamdo-yum tso.

Yamdo-yum tso, lake, 130, 140.

Yampung la, 12, 15; village, 15; trade at, 15.

Yangaro district, 20.

Yang-ku tang, village of, 32.

Yangma, 16, 24, 32; road to, 28, 29; river, 29, 32, 33; traders from, 29; cultivation at, 32; district of, 36.

Yangpung, salt dealers from, 8. See also Yampung.

Yangta, village of, 234.

Yanku tang, 22.

Yanthang, village of, 7.

Yarlha-shampo mountains, 231.

Yarlung, district of, 226; its capital, 228; inundation of, 231; its fertility, 234; river, 231, 234; — shetag lamasery, 231. See also Gondang-tangme.

Yarsa, village of, 27.

Yaru la, 42, 244.

Yaru tsangpo, river, 41. See also Tsang-po.

Yurupe village, 217.

Yu-tog, zamba, 148; school, 175.

Yong-dso chu, 16.

Zangpo-pal, hierarch of Sakya, 240.

Ze-khang shikha, village of, 232.

Zim phug, 30.

Zinan la, 22.

Zomba Lha khang. See Ombu lha-khang.

Zorwar Sing, the Sikh general, 53.