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Ae morn, laſt owk, as I gade out,
to flit a tether'd ewe and lamb,
I met (as ſkiffin o'er the green)
a jolly rantin' Highlandman:
His ſhape was neat, wi' features ſweet,
and ilka ſmile my favour wan;
I ne'er had ſeen ſae braw a lad
as this young rantin' Highlandman.

He ſaid, my dear, how came ye here
ſae early through the fields to gang?
Wad ye but gang alang wi' me,
an' wed a raatin' Highlandman,
In ſimmer days, on flowery braes,
when friſky is the ewe an' lamb,
I'ſe row ye in my tartan plaid,
fyne be your rantin' Highlandman.

With hether-bells that finely ſmells,
I'll deck your hair ſae fair an' lang,
If ye'll conſent to ſcour the bent
wi' me, a rantin' Highlandman:
We'll big a cot an' buy a ſtock,
ſyne do the beſt that e'er we can;
Then come, my dear, ye needna fear
to truſt a rantin' Highlandman.