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( 3 )

Tho' Cupid's dart had ſtruck my heart,
and fain I wad a gi'en my han',
Yet durſtna, lest my mither ſhou'd
diſlike a rantin' Highlandman:
But I expect that he'll come back,
then tho' my kin wad ſwear an' ban,
I'll o'er the hill, or where he will,
wi' my yonng rantin' Highlandman.



Pretty Nancy of Capperquin.

I being on my rambles on a ſummer's morning,
early as the day did dawn,
And Sol appear'd in his pomp and glory,
I took my way thro' a pleaſant lawn:
The pinks and roſes were ſweetly blowing
and linets warbling in each ſhade,
I being alarmed by a killing charmer,
near Yougal Harbour I met this maid.

Her aſpect pleaſing, her ſmiles engaging,
I thought ſhe really would attract my mind;
As I view'd each feature, I thought on the fair
that in Rathangan I had left behind.