Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/39

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appear better to the Government of the Republic that he should not come with an official mission from the Austrian Government, but only in a private capacity to fulfill the desires of the family, who through natural affection and pious feelings, wished to possess the mortal remains of the Archduke. That as a consequence of this consideration, he had come to México solely with a private commission from the mother of the Archduke, and from his brother, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria.

«To an indication from the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the vice-Admiral further stated that he had not brougtht any written document, having only received verbal instructions from the family of the Archduke. The vice-Admiral added that, if it was necessary, he would be ready to state in writing that he had come in this capacity.

«The Secretary of Foreign Affairs repeated that he would submit the petition to the President of the Republic, and that on the following day he would be able to communicate his resolution.— Lerdo de Tejada

«Mexico, September 7th 1867.—To-day vice-Admiral Tegetthoff, accompanied by Messrs Riva Palacio and Martinez de la Torre, called again at this Deparment.

«The Secretary of Foreign Affairs stated the following to Admiral Tegetthoff:

That the permission to remove the mortal remains of the Archduke had been already solicited by the Baron de Lago who had been acting near him as Austrian Chargé d' Affaires, by Baron de Magnus, who had been accredited near him as Prusian Minister and by Doctor Basch, the Archduke's private physician.

«That the Government replied to these three gentlemen saying that it had motives to refuse their petition. This reply had been made because the Government thought it was its duty that before deciding as to the permission to remove the body of the Arduchke to Austria, it would be necessary to take into consideration either an official