Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/40

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act of the Austrian Government or an express act of the family of the Archduke, asking the Government of the Republic for the body.

«That although vice-Admiral Tegetthoff, by his social position in Austria and by his personal merits, is worthy of the consideration of the Government of Mexico, still it could not be decided to permit him to remove the body of the Archduke, because he has brought no document to satisfy any of the two essencial requisites in the case.

«And that the President has authorized the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to say to vice-Admiral Tegetthoff that whenever either of these two requisites shall have been satisfied, whether by an official act of the Austrian Government or by an express act of the family asking for the body of the Archduke, the Government of the Republic will be ready to permit its removal to Austria, taking in consideration the natural pious feeling by which the petition would be made; that the Government had opportunely ordered that the body should be embalmed, and that it should be deposited and preserved, with the care and decorum due to mortal remains, by reason of the same natural and pious feelings.— Lerdo de Tejada

«Telegram.—San Luis Potosi., June 18th 1867.—At 9 A. M.—To General Mariano Escobedo.—It has been solicited from the Government to permit that, when the execution of Maximilian shall have taken place, his mortal remains may be disposed of in order to remove them to Europe.

«This permission has not been granted; but in view of said petition, the President of the Republic has determined that you shall proceed according to the following instructions:

«First. When the condenned shall have been executed, if the families of D. Miguel Miramon and of D. Tomas Mejia ask to dispose of their bodies, you will permit them the immediate and free disposal thereof.

«Second, You alone will direct what may be con-