Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/44

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everything possible was done to obtain the carrying home of the mentioned body.

«In this a favor would be received by your most respectful and obedient servant.—Dr. Samuel Basch.—To the Citizen Secretary.—Mexico, July 27th 1867.»

«Department of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior.—Department of the Interior.—First Section.—In view of your petition, dated yesterday, asking permission to take to Europe the mortal remains of the Archduke Maximilian, the President of the Republic has decided, on account of several and serious considerations, that it is not posible to acceede to the petition alluded to.—Independence and Liberty. Mexico, July 29th 1867.—Lerdo de Tejada.—To Doctor Samuel Basch.»

«Diario Oficial of the Supreme Government of the Republic.—1st Volume.—Number 82, issue of Saturday, November 6th 1867.—REMOVAL OF THE BODY OF THE ARCHDUKE MAXIMILIAN TO AUSTRIA.—On the 9th of September we published the documents relative to the mission on which vice-Almiral Tegetthoff came to Mexico. The Government then replied to him that in order to resolve whether the removal of the body of the Archduke Maximilian to Austria would be permitted, it was necessary that the question should be examined considering the petition asking for the Archduke's body either as an official act of the Austrian Government or as an express act of the family of the Archduke, and that the Government would be willing to grant the permission whenever either of the two characters of the petition might be well defined, taking in consideration the natural and pious feelings by which it should be made.

«This petition has been made in the name of both the Austrian Government and the family of the Archduke, by a note from the Prime Minister of that Nation, which note we now publish, together with the reply of the Government of the Republic, stating that the body will be immediately delivered, in order that it may be removed to Austria.»