Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/45

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«Mr. Minister:—A premature death having wrested the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian from the affection of his family, His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty feels the natural desire that the mortal remains of his unfortunate brother should find their last resting place in the vault which contains the ashes of the Princes of the House of Austria. The father, the mother and the other brothers of the august dead; and, in general, all the members of the Imperial Family participate in this desire.

«The Emperor, my august master, entertains the confidence that the Mexican Government, yielding to a feeling of humanity, will not refuse to mitigate the just grief of His Majesty in facilitating the verification of this desire.

«Consequently, vice-Admiral Tegetthoff has been sent to Mexico with instructions to solicit from the President the delivery of the remains of the beloved brother of His Majesty, in order that they may be brought to Europe.

«On my part, I have been ordered, in my capacity of Minister of the Imperial House, to ask the benevolent interference of Your Excellency to obtain for the vice-Admiral the necessary authority to fulfil his instructions.

«Having the honor, Mr. Minister, to beg of you, in anticipation, to be the channel to convey the gratitude of the august Imperial family to the Chief of the State for the compliance with their desire, and that yon yourself will accept the expression of their gratitude for the kind offices with which you may be pleased to contribute, I avail myself of this opportunity to offer to Your Excellency the assurances of my high consideration.—Vienna, September 25th 1867.—The Chancellor of the Empire.—Beust.»

«Department of Foreign Affairs.—México, November 4th 1867.—Mr. Minister:—Vice-Admiral Tegetthoff has delivered to me the note of Your Excellency, dated the 25th of September last.

«Your Excellency has been pleased to communicate