Page:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu/46

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to me in said note that His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, entertains the natural desire that the mortal remains of his brother, the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, should find their last resting place in the vault which contains the ashes of the princes of the house of Austria; that the father, the mother and the other brothers of the Archduke, and, in general, all the members of the Imperial family participate in this desire; and that His Majesty, the Emperor, entertaining the confidence that the Mexican Government, under a sentiment of humanity, will facilitate the verification of that desire, has sent vice-Admiral Tegetthof to Mexico with instructions to solicit from the President permission for him to take to Europe the remains of the Archduke.

«The President of the Republic, having been informed of the just feelings expressed in the note of Your Excellency, has not hesitated to order that the natural desire of His Majesty, the Emperor of Austria, and of the Imperial family, be complied with and satisfied, with great consideration.

«According to the orders of the President, I have informed vice-Admiral Tegetthoff that the mortal remains of the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian shall be immediately delivered to him, so that he may be able to take them to Austria, in compliance with the object of his mission.

«I have the honor, Mr, Minister, to express to Your Excellency the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.—S. Lerdo de Tejada.—To His Excellency Count de Beust, Chancellor of the Empire and Minister of the Imperial House of Austria.—Vienna.»

«Diario Oficial of the Supreme Government of the Republic.—Volume I. Number 83. Sunday, November 10th 1867.—The Body of Maximilian.—In some moments, the body of Maximilian of Hapsburg will be taken away from this capital and within a very short time it will be received on board of the ship "Novara" which will