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[Runo IX

Milk on land, and milk on marshes,
Milk upon the peaceful waters.
“Black milk from the first was flowing,
From the eldest of the maidens,
White milk issued from another,
From the second of the maidens,
Red milk by the third was yielded,
By the youngest of the maidens.60
“Where the black milk had been dropping,
There was found the softest Iron,
Where the white milk had been flowing,
There the hardest steel was fashioned,
Where the red milk had been trickling,
There was undeveloped Iron.
“But a short time had passed over,
When the Iron desired to visit
Him, its dearest elder brother,
And to make the Fire’s acquaintance.70
“But the Fire arose in fury,
Blazing up in greatest anger,
Seeking to consume its victim,
E’en the wretched Iron, its brother.
“Then the Iron sought out a refuge,
Sought for refuge and protection
From the hands of furious Fire,
From his mouth, all bright with anger.
“Then the Iron took refuge from him,
Sought both refuge and protection80
Down amid the quaking marshes,
Where the springs have many sources,
On the level mighty marshes,
On the void and barren mountains,
Where the swans their eggs deposit,
And the goose her brood is rearing.
“In the swamps lay hid the Iron,
Stretched beneath the marshy surface,
Hid for one year and a second,
For a third year likewise hidden,90
Hidden there between two tree-stumps,
’Neath three roots of birch-trees hidden,