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[Runo XII

I will go to war in Pohja,
To destroy the sons of Lapland.
“There my inclination leads me
And my understanding drives me,110
And my own ears shall inform me,
And my own eyes show me truly,
If in Pohjola a maiden,
In Pimentola a maiden,
Is not longing for a lover,
For the best of men desirous.”
Then said Lemminkainen’s mother,
“O my son, my dearest Ahti,
Kyllikki at home is with thee,
Fairest she of all the housewives.120
Strange it were to see two women
In a bed beside one husband.”
Said the lively Lemminkainen,
“Kyllikki has sought the village.
Let her go to all the dances,
Let her sleep in all the houses,
Where the village girls are sporting,
Dancing with unbraided tresses.”
Still his mother would dissuade him,
And the aged woman warned him:130
“Yet beware, my son, and go not
Unto Pohjola’s dread homestead,
Destitute of magic knowledge,
Destitute of all experience,
There to meet the youths of Pohja,
And to conquer Lapland’s children!
There the Laplanders will sing you,
And the Turja men will thrust you,
Head in clay, and mouth in charcoal,
With your arms where sparks are flying,140
And your hands in glowing embers,
There upon the burning hearthstones.”
Lemminkainen heard and answered:
“Once some sorcerers would enchant me,
Wizards charm, and snakes would blast me,
As three Laplanders attempted