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Runo XII]
Expedition to Pohjola

Then he grasped his sword so trusty,
Took his blade, like flame that glittered,
Which by Hiisi’s self was whetted,
And by Jumala was polished.230
By his side the hero girt it,
Thrust in sheath with leather lining.
How shall now the man conceal him,
And the mighty hero hide him?
There a little time he hid him,
And the mighty one concealed him,
'Neath the beam above the doorway,
By the doorpost of the chamber,
In the courtyard by the hayloft,
By the gate of all the furthest.240
Thus it was the hero hid him
From the sight of all the women,
But such art is not sufficient,
And such caution would not serve him,
For he likewise must protect him
From the heroes of the people,
There where two roads have their parting,
On a blue rock’s lofty summit,
And upon the quaking marshes,
Where the waves are swiftly coursing,250
Where the waterfall is rushing,
In the winding of the rapids.
Then the lively Lemminkainen
Spoke the very words which follow:
“Rise ye up from earth, O swordsmen,
You, the earth’s primeval heroes,
From the wells arise, ye warriors,
From the rivers rise, ye bowmen!
With thy dwarfs arise, O woodland,
Forest, come with all thy people,260
Mountain-Ancient, with thy forces,
Water-Hiisi, with thy terrors,
Water-Mistress, with thy people,
With thy scouts, O Water-Father,
All ye maidens from the valleys,
Richly robed, among the marshes,