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Runo XIV]
Lemminkainen’s Death

Forth to Tuoni’s murky river,
Down in Manala’s abysses.
On with rapid steps he hastened,
And he went with trampling footsteps,390
Unto Tuonela’s broad river,
To the sacred river’s whirlpool,
’Neath his arm a handsome crossbow,
On his back his well-stored quiver.
Märkähattu then, the cowherd,
Pohjola’s old sightless greybeard,
There by Tuonela’s broad river,
By the sacred river’s whirlpool,
Long had lurked, and long had waited,
There for Lemminkainen’s coming.400
And at length one day it happened,
Came the lively Lemminkainen
Hasting on, and swift approaching
Unto Tuonela’s deep river,
To the cataract most terrific,
To the sacred river’s whirlpool.
From the waves he sent a serpent,
Like a reed from out the billows;
Through the hero’s heart he hurled it,
And through Lemminkainen’s liver.410
Through the arm-pit left it smote him,
Through the shoulder right it struck him.
Then the lively Lemminkainen
Felt himself severely wounded,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“I have acted most unwisely,
That I asked not information
From my mother, she who bore me.
Two words only were sufficient,
Three at most might perhaps be needed,420
How to act, and live still longer,
After this day’s great misfortune.
Charm I cannot water-serpents,
Nor of reeds I know the magic.
“O my mother who hast borne me,
And hast nurtured me in sorrow,