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Runo XV]
Lemminkainen’s Recovery

Louhi, Pohjola's old Mistress,
Then replied in words which follow:
“Of your son I know no tidings,
Where he went, or where he vanished.
In his sledge I yoked a stallion,
Chose him out a fiery courser.
Perhaps he sank in ice when rotten,
O’er the frozen lake when driving,70
Or among the wolves has fallen,
Or some dreadful bear devoured him.”
Then said Lemminkainen’s mother,
“This indeed is shameless lying,
For no wolf would touch my offspring,
Not a bear touch Lemminkainen!
Wolves he’d crush between his fingers,
Bears with naked hands would master.
If you will not truly tell me,
How you treated Lemminkainen,80
I the malthouse doors will shatter,
Break the hinges of the Sampo.”
Then said Pohjola’s old Mistress,
“I have fed the man profusely,
And I gave him drink in plenty,
Till he was most fully sated.
In a boat’s prow then I placed him,
That he thus should shoot the rapids,
But I really cannot tell you
What befel the wretched creature;90
In the wildly foaming torrent,
In the tumult of the whirlpool.”
Then said Lemminkainen’s mother,
“This indeed is shameless lying.
Tell me now the truth exactly,
Make an end of all your lying,
Whither sent you Lemminkainen,
Where has Kaleva’s son perished ?
Or most certain death awaits you,
And you die upon the instant.”100
Then said Pohjola’s old Mistress,
“Now at length I’ll tell you truly.