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Runo XIX]
Exploits and Betrothal

On the barren heaths of Tuoni,
In the blue depths of the forest.
And he said, returning homeward:
“Give me now your daughter, old one.
Here I bring the Bear of Tuoni,
And the Wolf of Mana muzzled.”150
Then did Pohjola’s old Mistress
Answer in the words which follow:
“I will give you first the duckling,
And the blue-winged duck will give you,
When the pike, so huge and scaly,
He the fish so plump and floundering,
You shall bring from Tuoni’s river,
And from Manala’s abysses;
But without a net to lift it,
Using not a hand to grasp it.160
Hundreds have gone forth to seek it,
Never one returned in safety.”
Then there came distress upon him,
And affliction overwhelmed him,
As he sought the maiden’s chamber,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Now a task is laid upon me,
Greater still than all the former;
For the pike, so huge and scaly,
He the fish so plump and floundering,170
I must bring from Tuoni’s river,
From the eternal stream of Mana,
But with neither snare nor drag-net,
Nor with help of other tackle.”
Then his bride assistance lent him,
And advice the maiden gave him.
“O thou smith, O Ilmarinen,
Do thou not be so despondent!
Forge thee now a fiery eagle,
Forge a bird of fire all flaming!180
This the mighty pike shall capture,
Drag the fish so plump and floundering,
From the murky stream of Tuoni,
And from Manala’s abysses.”