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Runo XIX]
Exploits and Betrothal

But the iron-taloned eagle
Rose and soared away in fury,
High aloft in air he raised him,
To the borders of the cloudland.
Fled the clouds, the heavens were thundering,
And the props of air bowed downward:310
Ukko’s bow in twain was broken,
In the moon the horns sharp-pointed.
Then the smith, e’en Ilmarinen,
Took the pike’s head, which he carried,
To the old crone as a present,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Make of this a chair for ever,
In the halls of lofty Pohja.”
Then he spoke the words which follow,
And in words like these expressed him:320
“I have ploughed the field of serpents,
Furrowed all the land of serpents;
Bridled, too, the wolves of Mana,
And have chained the bears of Tuoni;
Brought the pike so huge and scaly,
He the fish so plump and floundering,
From the river deep of Tuoni,
And from Manala’s abysses.
Will you give me now the maiden,
And bestow your daughter on me?”330
Then said Pohjola’s old Mistress,
“Badly have you done your errand,
Thus the head in twain to sever,
Open rip the fish’s belly,
Tear away the fish’s breastbone,
Feasting thus upon the booty.”
Then the smith, e’en Ilmarinen,
Answered in the words that follow:
“Never can you bring, undamaged,
Quarry from the best of regions.340
This is brought from Tuoni’s river,
And from Manala’s abysses.
Is not yet the maiden ready,
She for whom I longed and laboured?”