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Runo XX]
The Great Ox

Only ask not Lemminkainen,
Ask not Ahti Saarelainen.”
Then the maid, of all the smallest,
Answered in the words which follow:
“Wherefore ask not Lemminkainen,
Only Ahti Saarelainen?”580
Then did Pohjola’s old Mistress,
In these very words make answer:
“Therefore ask not Kaukomieli,
Not the reckless Lemminkainen.
He is always quick to quarrel,
And to fight is always ready.
And at weddings works he mischief,
And at banquets grievous scandal,
Brings to shame the modest maidens,
Clad in all their festive garments.”590
Then the maid, of all the smallest,
Answered in the words which follow:
“How shall I know Kaukomieli
That I leave him uninvited?
For I know not Ahti’s dwelling,
Nor the house of Kaukomieli.”
Then did Pohjola’s old Mistress,
Answer in the words which follow:
“Easy may you hear of Kauko,
Learn of Ahti Saarelainen.600
Ahti dwells upon an island,
Dwells the rascal near the water,
Where the bay outspreads the broadest,
At the curve of Kauko’s headland.”
Then the maid, of all the smallest,
She the handmaid hired for money,
Bid the guests from six directions,
And in eight the news she carried;
All she asked of Pohja’s people,
And of Kaleva the people,610
Of the householders the poorest,
And the poorest clad amongst them.
Only not the youth named Ahti,
For she left him uninvited.