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Girlish ways unto the bath-whisks,
And thy pranks to blanket-edges,
Naughtinesses to the stove-bench,
On the floor thy lazy habits,50
Or renounce them to thy bridesmaid,
And into her arms unload them,
That she take them to the bushes,
Out upon the heath convey them.
“Other habits wait thy learning,
And the old must be forgotten.
Father’s love you leave behind you;
Learn to love thy husband’s father;
Deeper now must thou incline thee,
Fitting language must thou utter.60
“Other habits wait thy learning,
And the old must be forgotten.
Mother’s love thou leav’st behind thee;
Learn to love thy husband’s mother.
Deeper now must thou incline thee;
Fitting language must thou utter.
“Other habits wait thy learning,
And the old must be forgotten.
Brother’s love thou leav’st behind thee;
Learn to love thy husband’s brother;70
Deeper now must thou incline thee;
Fitting language must thou utter.
“Other habits wait thy learning,
And the old must be forgotten.
Sister’s love thou leav’st behind thee,
Learn to love thy husband’s sister.
Deeper now must thou incline thee,
Fitting language must thou utter.
“Never may’st thou in thy lifetime,
While the golden moon is shining,80
Seek a house of doubtful morals,
With the worthless men consorting,
For a house must needs be moral,
And a house must needs be noble,
And for sense a husband wishes,
And desires the best behaviour.