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[Runo V

Me, the darling child of Ahto!”
Said the aged Väinämöinen,
Head bowed down, and deeply grieving,
“Sister thou of Joukahainen,
Once again return, I pray thee.”
But she never more came near him,
Ne’er again throughout his lifetime;
For she turned away, and, diving,140
Vanished from the water’s surface
Down among the rocks so varied,
In a liver-coloured crevice.
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Pondered deeply, and reflected,
What to do, and what was needful.
Quick he wove a net all silken,
And he drew it straight and crossways,
Through the reach, and then across it,
Drew it through the quiet waters,150
Through the depths beloved by salmon,
And through Väinölä’s deep waters,
And by Kalevala’s sharp headlands,
Through the deep, dark watery caverns,
And the wide expanse of water,
And through Joukola’s great rivers,
And across the bays of Lapland.
Other fish he caught in plenty,
All the fishes of the waters,
Only not the fish he sought for,160
Which he kept in mind for ever,
Never Vellamo’s fair maiden,
Not the dearest child of Ahto.
Then the aged Väinämöinen,
Bowed his head, lamenting deeply,
With his cap adjusted sideways,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“O how grievous is my folly,
Weak am I in manly wisdom,
Once indeed was understanding,170
Insight too conferred upon me,
And my heart was great within me;