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Then he went to Väinämöinen,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“O thou aged Väinämöinen,
Thou the great primeval minstrel,
Come to gaze upon the moonlight,
Come to gaze upon the sunlight.390
Now they stand in midst of heaven,
In their old accustomed places.”
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Hurried out into the open,
And at once his head uplifted,
And he gazed aloft to heaven.
Moon was risen, sun was loosened,
In the sky the sun was beaming.
Then the aged Väinämöinen
Made a speech without delaying,400
And he spoke the words which follow,
And in words like these expressed him:
“Hail, O Moon, who beamest yonder,
Thus thy fair cheeks well displaying,
Golden sun who risest yonder,
Sun who once again arisest!
“Golden Moon from stone delivered,
Fairest Sun from rock arisen,
Like the golden cuckoo rise you,
Like the silver dove arise you,410
Lead the life ye led aforetime,
And resume your former journeys.
“Rise for ever in the morning,
From this present day hereafter.
Bring us always happy greetings,
That our wealth increases ever,
Game for ever in our fingers,
Fortune at the points of fish-hooks.
“Go ye on your path with blessings,
Go ye on your charming journey,420
Let your crescent now be beauteous,
Rest ye joyful in the evening.”