Page:Karel Čapek - The Absolute at Large (1927).djvu/153

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The Hammer and Star

thinks. I am really not aware which occurrences Brother Junior Warden is alluding to, but if he has in mind the religious meetings which I myself attend, then I am of the opinion that he is mistaken. Indeed, I will say frankly that I consider that he is entirely in error."

"I move," suggested another brother, "that we should take a vote on whether the said occurrences are regrettable or not."

"And I move," said another, taking the floor, "that we elect a smaller committee, of some three members, say, to investigate these regrettable occurrences."

"I am in favour of five members."

"I vote for twelve."

Judex Formidabilis was heard to say, "Excuse me, brothers, I have not yet finished speaking."

The Worshipful Master rapped with his gavel.

"I call upon Brother Judex Formidabilis."

"Brothers," began Judex gently, "we will not quarrel who is to have the floor. The occurrences concerning which several regrettable opinions have been expressed here are of a character that deserves attention, interest, yes, and even respect. I do not deny that I am a member of several religious circles who have received divine grace in especial power. I trust that this is not inconsistent with the discipline of the Freemason."