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A KEY to open HEAVEN

Firſt, Thou muſt truly and unfeignedly labour to ſerve God, and to obey his conmandments; which is a duty that ought to be done without delay: For he that is alive to-day, may be dead before to-norrow; and it will be too late to look after a way at death that you have never ſought after in time of health and ſtrength. 'Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forſake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, who will have mercy, and to our God who will abundantly pardon. For he is a God of truth, juſtice, peace mercy and love, and willeth not that any ſhould periſh but that they ſhould repent and return unto him, that they may obtain everlaſting life.

Secondly There is another duty to be performed by all that would find the ready way to heaven: You muſt love your Chriſtian brethren and neighbours, and cherish and comfort them; and not ſlight, wrangle, ſcold, fight, and go to law, until you have ruined them: For they that do ſuch things, are gone far out of the way to heaven Remember therefore what our Saviour Chriſt ſaith in the Goſpel; A new commandment give I unto you: ſee that you love one another.' For if ye love not your neighbour, whom

you ſee every day, how can you love God whoin you never ſaw? Therefore confider,
