Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/145

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clēnnes, f., chastity: ns. 22. 16; 50.12; 51.6; clēnnesse, 51.2; ds. 50. 12, 18.
clif, n., cliff, promontory: ds. clife, 45. 19.
clypian, wv., call: 1. sg. clypie, 5. 2, 5; 11. 3; clypige, 5. 6, 8, 9, 16, 21; clipige, 48. 15; 2. sg. clypast, 8. 12; pret. 3. sg. cleopode, 64. 29.
cniht, m., servant; disciple: 17.2; as. 18. 17; 19. 6 (MS. chiht).
†cotlȳf, n. , hamlet, cottage; as. 2. 8.
creft, m., skill, faculty, virtue, science: ns. 30. 23; 41. 13, 18 (MS. crft); gs. creftes (MS. creftest), 4.18; ds. crefte, 4.10; 20.17; creft, 20. 13; cræfte, 46. 7; as. creft, 12.19,20; 20. 12; 22.1; 30.22,23; np. creftas, 22.13; gp. crefta, 30.23; 64.11; dp. creftum, 22. 12; ap. creftas, 52. 13.
creftig, adj., skilful: ns. 4.4; np. creftige, 4. 9.
†Crīst, m., Christ: 50.6; 61.6,16, 34; 62.2; 67.27; g. Crīstes, 61.25; 62.4; d. Crīste, 63.33.
cuman, sv. 4, come, go, approach ; happen: 1. sg. cume, 13. 11; 26. 12; 3. sg. cymð, 21. 21; 23. 14; 33.3,7; 3. pl. cumað, 10.2,5; 44. 5, 10, 11; 62. 31; cumæð, 10. 1; pret. 1. sg. cōm, 1. 5; opt. 1. sg. cume, 27.15; 33.1; 35.15; 62. 35; 68. 10; 69. 16; cym, 25. 17; cumæ, 27. 16; 3. pl. cumen, 44. 4(2); 51.8; 68.6; imp. cum, 7.9; 9.3; inf. 12.16; 13.1,3; 14.3; 44.16; 66.28; 70.2; ger. cumane, 2. 17; cuman, 49. 7.
cunnan, PP., know, be able, can: 1. sg. can, 15.15; 17.7; 18.20; 19.8; 23.8; 24.4; 2. sg. canst, 19. 6; 3. sg. can, 67. 8; pret. 1. sg. cūðe, 1. 3; 25. 14; opt. 1. sg. cunne, 4.22; 2. sg. 53. 19; 3. sg. 3. 13; inf. 15. 15 (MS. cuman); 17.10; 18.18,21; 19.7; 67.8,10.
cūð, adj., known, wise: nsm. 15. 3; 17. 1, 18; 23. 11; nsn. cūðe, 15. 4; asn. cūð, 15. 5; 63. 5; asf. cūðe, 33. 14; np. 15. 4: apm. cūðe, 4. 9; comp. nsm. cūðre, 17. 7, 20.
cūðlice, adv., certainly: sup. cūð1icost, 15. 2.
cweðan, sv. 5, say, speak: 1. sg. cwæðe, 4.20; 36.8; 62.10; 37.17; cweðe, 11. 3; cwæð, 55. 16; 65. 1; 2. sg. cwȳst, 23. 17; 35. 10; 52. 8; cwīst, 37. 16; cwēst, 15. 22; 3. sg. cwæð, 3. 11; 14. 11; 41. 10; 61. 35; 62. 2; 67. 30; 68. 6; 3. pl. cwæðað, 40.3; pret. 1. sg. cwǣde, 17.4; 62. 10; 2. sg. cwǣde, 42. 20; 3. sg. 50. 7; opt. 3. sg. cwæðe, 36.7; 3. pl. cwæðen, 47.5; 2. sg. cwēde, 48. 18; cwǣde, 62. 8; 52. 6 (MS. cwæðe); imp. cwæð, 15. 2; cweð, 23. 18; inf. 23. 15; 24. 20 (MS. cneðan); 63. 23, 26; cwæðan, 15.14; 37.6; 63.17.
cwide, m., saying, sentence, thought: ns. cwyde, 41. 9; np. cwidas, 70. 4; ap. cwydas, 65. 1.
cwuc, adj., alive, living: dsm. cwucum, 33. 6.
†cyldehād, m., childhood: ds. cyldehāde, 23. 9.
cyng, see king.
cynn, see kinn.
†cyssan, wv., kiss : inf. 42. 4.
cȳðan, wv., tell, announce: 1. sg. cȳðe, 53. 11.