Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/146

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dæg, m., day: ns. 9. 17; ds. dæge, 10. 10; 60. 7; 66. 8, 9; 67. 6; 68. 15; as. dæg, 9. 15; is. dæge, 26.16; 63.14; 68.28; dp. dagum, 63. 27; 66. 10; 69. 24.
†dæglanges, adv., during a day: 45. 22.
dǣl, m., part, share: gs. dǣles, 47.16; 53.9; ds. dǣle, 58.15; 66.34; as. dǣl, 10.16; 34.19, 20; 47.8; 52.16; 68.14; dēl, 66. 35; be ðām dēle (dǣle) þe, to the extent that: 1.4; 43.1; 68. 17; sume dǣle, to some extent, somewhat: 49. 6; be sumum dǣle, somewhat: 52. 3.
dafnian, wv., become: 3. sg. dafenað, 32. 16.
dēad, adj., dead: nsm. 50. 20; 51. 1, 2 (2), 3 (2).
dēadlic, adj., mortal: ns. 3. 4.
dēað, m., death: 40. 10; ds. dēaðe, 9. 6: 33. 13; as. dēað, 8. 5; 33. 15.
dēman, wv., judge: opt. 3. pl. dēman, 8. 15.
dēofol, m., devil: ds. dēofle, 12. 1.
†dēope, adv., deeply, thoroughly: 48.9.
dēoplic, adj., deep, profound: nsf. deoplicu (MS. depplicu), 51. 11.
dēor, n., wild animal: ap. 46. 11.
†dēorlice, adv., worthily: 4. 19.
dēorling, m., darling, favorite: np. dēorlinges, 65. 19; gp. dēorlinga, 69. 13; ac. dēorlingas, 65. 17.
derian, wv., injure: 3. sg. derað, 48. 21.
†disilice, adv., foolishly: 31. 25.
dōm, m., judgment: gs. dōmes, always in the expression, dōmes dæge, doomsday: 10. 10; 60. 7; 66.8,9; 67.6; 68.14; ds. dōme, 32. 19; ap. dōmas, 8. 15.
dōn, anv., do; make, cause: 1. sg. dō, 4. 20; 17. 12; 2. sg. dēst, 8. 6, 10; 25.7; 60.26; 61.3; 3. sg. dēð, 31. 24, 25; dǣð, 64. 15; 65. 6; 1. pl. dōð, 6.19; 3. pl. dōð, 8.21; 39. 15; dōn, 47. 7; pret. 1. sg. dyde, 1. 15; 1. pl. dydon, 8. 2, 11; opt. 1. sg. dō, 11.18; 62.19; dō, 12.15; 21.5 (MS. don); 3. sg. dō, 39.10; 48.14; pret. 2. sg. dyde, 40. 11; 3. sg. dide, 58. 24; dyde, 64. 15; 65. 6; imp. dō, 14.5; 27.17; 54. 3; 60. 20 (2); inf. 4.13; 8.16; 10.18; 15.7; 18.6; 21.3; 30.7,18; 34.9; 35.7; 42.12,17; 49.14; 55.12; 66.15; 68.1; ger. dōnne, 3.7; 16. 21; pr. p. dōndum, 10. 19, 20 (MS. dedum).
drihten, m., Lord; always used for God: ns. 11. 5; gs. drihtnes (drihnes), 69. 11; vs. drihten, 4.21; 5. 5, 11, 21; 6. 5, 8, 13; 7.12; 11.4,8,21; 22.19; 55.16 (2); 5.3 (MS. dridten); 6.7 (MS. driten).
dreccan, wv., torment: imp. drece, 48.7.
drinc, m., drink: ds. drince, 37. 7; as. drinc, 8. 14.
drīge, adj., dry: dsn. drīgum, 21. 24.
durran, swv., dare, presume: 1. sg. dear, 24.3; dæar, 19.20; der, 32. 23; opt. 3. sg. dyrre, 24. 20.
duru, f., door: ds. dura, 8. 12; as. dura, 12. 11.
†dwola, wm., error, heresy: as. dwolan, 8. 19.
dwolian, wv., err: 1. sg. dwolige,