Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/160

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hatian, wv., hate: 1. sg. hatige, 16. 14 (2); 2. sg. hetst (MS. hest), 22. 11; ger. hatianne, 16. 17.
hāwian, wv. w. gen., look at, gaze on: 3. sg. hāwað, 27. 6; 3. pl. hāwiað, 28. 7; pret. 3. sg. hāwode, 27.4; opt. hāwie, 22.3; 3. sg. hāwie, 30. 24; 3. pl. hāwien, 30. 4; opt. or imp. hāwie, 45. 11; opt(?) hāwige, 49. 8; inf. 29.1; 45.6.
†hāwung, f., looking, gazing: ns. 27.10; 28.6.
hē, pron., he: ns. 1. 9, etc.; gs. his (hys), 1. 11, etc.; ds. him (hym), 1. 10, etc.; as. hine (hyne), 1. 6, etc.; for pl. see hī.
hēa, adv., high: 48. 9.
hēah, adj., high: wk. nsf. hēa, 31. 14; hēah, 34. 17; comp. wk. npm. hēaran (MS. hearam), 61. 18; hēran, 61. 24; sup. wk. nsm. hēhsta, 58. 10; hēhstan, 6. 7; nsn. hēhste, 6. 11; 41. 8, 17; 58. 8, 11; hēhstæn, 13. 6; nsf. hēhste, 6. 10; hēhsta, 62. 25; hēhsten, 6. 5; gsn. hēhstan, 5. 23 (2); gsf. 5. 23; 6. 1; dsf. 9.7,8,9; asn. hēhste, 58. 11.
healdan, rv., hold, keep: 3. pl. healdað, 29. 17; imp. heald, 25. 23; inf. 3. 13, 17; 22. 18; haldan, 53. 10; ger. healdenne, 4. 2; haldænne, 35. 17.
healic, adj., high, exalted: comp. wk. dp. healicran, 17. 14.
heall, f., hall: ds. healle, 44. 19.
hēanlic, adj., lowly, humble: comp. wk. dp. hēanlicran, 17. 14.
hefig, adj., heavy, grievous: nsn. 40. 9; 26, 1 (MS. hefgi); asn. 25, 27; apn. hefige, 25. 26.
hefiness, f., heaviness, sorrow: ds. hefenesse, 29. 14; as. hefinesse, 26.3.
†hēhfæder, m., patriarch: dp. hēhfederum, 61. 26.
hēl, f., health; salvation: gs. hǣle, 34. 19; ds. hēle, 37. 10; as. 4. 16; 32.14; 33.18; hǣle, 34.2; vs. 11.7.
helan, sv. 4, conceal, hide: imp. hel, 53. 7; inf. 67. 10.
hell, f., hell: ds. helle, 65. 21; 67. 25.
†help, f., help, aid: ds. helpe, 68, 24.
helpan, sv. 3. w. dat., help, aid: 3. pl. helpað, 68. 16.
hēo, pron., she: n. and a. 3. 4, etc.; g. and d. hyre, 36. 5, etc.; for pl. see hī.
heofenlic, adj., divine : asn. heofenlice, 12. 14.
heofon, f., heaven: ns. (?) heofene, 9. 14; dp. heofenum, 65. 22, 26.
heofonrīce, n., kingdom of heaven: as. (?) 8. 1.
heonan, adv., hence, from here: 47. 10.
heorde, m., shepherd, guardian: as. heorde, 3. 12.
hēr, adv., here: 2. 16; 8.21; 54.6; 55.1; 68.26; 69.18; hǣr, 23.12; 45.22; 63.24; 64.20,34; 65.27; 68.6; 70.4.
herfest, m., autumn, harvest-time: ns. 9. 19.
herian, wv., praise: 2. sg. herast, 36. 5; opt. 2. sg. hære, 49. 18.
hēs, f., behest, command: is. hēse, 9. 13, 14.
hī, pl. pron., they: n. and a. 16. 8; hȳ, 10. 3; g. heora, 9. 14; d. him 31. 11, etc.
hīgian, wv., strive, hasten: imp. hīga, 47. 17.
hit, pron., it: n. and a. 3. 9; hyt, 3. 10, etc.; g. his (hys); d. him (hym); for pl. see hī.