Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/161

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†hlǣder, f., ladder: ds. hlǣdre, 45. 17.
†hlāf, m., bread: as. hlāf, 8. 13.
hlāford, m., lord, master, ruler: ns. hlāford, 25.10; 60.27; gs. hlāfordes, 2. 8, 13; 23. 14; 24. 11; 25. 11; 44. 20; 61. 10, 13(?); ds. hlāforde, 8.11; 44.10; 60.26; 61. 1, 21; 62. 22; 69. 16; as. hlāford, 25. 2; 60. 21, 23; np. hlāfordas, 61. 24; ap. hlāfordes, 61. 18.
hlistan, wv., listen: ger. hlistenne, 32. 16.
hohgian, wv., think about, purpose, resolve: 1. sg. hohgie, 35. 19; pret. 1. sg. hohgode, 35. 12; hohggode, 36. 10.
hrēoh, adj., rough, stormy: sup. nsf. hrēohost, 30. 1.
†hrine, m., sense of touch: is. 6. 15.
†hrīnung, f., touch: ds. hrīnunge (MS. hyrinunge), 18. 13.
hū, adv., how : 2. 20, etc.; often w. ne as hū ne hæfð, 16. 4: does he not have?
huntigan, wv., hunt: inf. 2. 10.
hūru, adv., at least, certainly, even: 2.17; 30.11; 35.1; 43.1; 2.2 (MS. hure); hūre, 40. 10.
hūs, n., house: 1. 13; vs. 11. 7.
hwā, pron., who: n. 16. 23, etc.; hwat, 25. 2, etc.; g. hwæs, 13. 22, etc.; d. hwām, 3. 18, etc.; i. hwī, 19. 13, etc., hwig, 39. 10.
hwǣr, adv., where: 51. 8, etc.; hwǣrhwugu, anywhere: 51. 10.
hwæthwugu, pron., something: 1. 7, etc.
hwæðer, adj. pron., which of two, whether: 3.3, etc.; hweðer, 3.8, etc.
hwanon, adv., whence: 51. 7.
hwenne, interrog., when: 46.20.
hwerfian, wv., return: 3. sg. hweorfð, 9. 13; hwerfiað, 9. 20; 3. pl. 9. 23; hweorfiað, 9. 24.
hwīl, f., space of time: as. hwīle, 12. 4, etc.; whīle, 1. 17; dp. hwīlum, 2. 9, etc.; ðā hwīle þe, conj., while: 1. 17, etc.
hwilc, pron., which, of what kind: 3. 6, etc.; hwylc, 5. 12, etc.
hwyrft, m., turning: as. 21. 8.
hylf, m., handle, shaft: ap. hylfa, 1.2.
hȳred, m., household, court: gs. hȳredes, 8. 9; ds. hȳrede, 44. 16.


c, pron., I: 1.2, etc.; yc, 11. 11.}}

īeowan, wv., reveal, show; look upon: 3. sg. ēowað, 42. 10; pret. 1. pl. īeowedon, 7.21; īuwedon, 7.19; opt. ēowie, 47.18; inf. ēowian, 42. 10; ēawian, 48. 13.
inera, adj. (comp. of inne), inner: wk. ipn. inran, 18. 19; 19. 14.
ingeþanc, n., mind, intellect: ds. ingeþance, 18.4,15; 19.1; 21. 20; as. 18.21; is. 2.19; 19.3; 21. 13, 15.
innan, adv., from within: 3. 9.
†insegel, n., seal (Lat. insigillum): ns. 23. 14.
†instepe, adv., immediately: 62. 31.
inwordlice, adv., inwardly; thoroughly: 34. 15; sup. inweardlicost, 55. 14.