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"A book which everyone should read."— London Daily Telegraph.

in the Making

12mo. $1.50 Net (postage, 13 cents)

"The development of this interesting theory in detail must be left to the reader, who may anticipate a lively succession of sensations, some assenting and some dissenting, as he reads how mankind is to be made over. . . Mr. Wells carries his readers with him and does not allow the least flagging of interest."—Outlook.

"He shows a wide knowledge of facts and an admirable temper from first to last . . . his book is exceedingly interesting and stimulating. "—Baltimore Sun.

"Mr Wells's discussions of vital themes are suggestive, original, and plain spoken, and seamed with a racy vigor of style."—Boston Herald.

"The first tribute this book draws from us is one of sincere respect. . . . Mr. Wells's duty as a thinker and a writer lay in the producing of this brilliant revolutionary book."—London Daily News.

"He has an acute eye for prevailing weaknesses and absurdities. ... an admirable knack of showing the absurd side of cant and pedantry."—New York Evening Sun.

"Contains a good deal of plain truth and many suggestions worthy of consideration."— Boston Transcript.

Charles Scribner's Sons, New York