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"Mr. Wells's masterpiece."—Review of Reviews.

A Modern Utopia


12mo. $1.50 net. Postage, 12 cents

"This, the last of Mr. Wells's speculations regarding the future of the human race, will take its place at the head of the long list of works of its class, beginning . with Plato's 'Republic.'"—Evening Mail.

"There has been no work of this importance published in the last thirty years, and it is possible and permissible to hope that some ideas sketched in it will fructify in the future."—London Athenæum.

"Quite the most fascinating, and also most rich in suggestion, will be found this latest of Mr. Wells's anticipatory writings."—New York Globe.

"Mr. Wells's 'Utopia' is far the most interesting, imaginative, and possible of all the Utopias written since the inventions and discoveries of science began to color our conceptions of the future."—The London Times Literary Supplement.

"Mr. Wells has the gift of making his philosophical, or rather sociological, speculations of absorbing interest to the general reader. His literary imagination, which was born in him, works on the positive, scientific education to which his mind was subjected at its most receptive period, and the rare combination gives to his writings a peculiar distinction."—The Academy.

Charles Scribner's Sons, New York