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Hara.   "When you go to write the will you must take this one concealed in the pocket of your pirân. When there, you must, with this pen and ink, write what they tell you. Paper, pen, ink, and writer will all be the same, so the two wills will, to all appearance, be alike. Then when you have read out the will and got it signed, you must take it back to add your own signature. You must sign it with your back turned to them. Then will be the opportunity to change the wills. You must give this will to the Kartâ, and bring his to me."

Brahmânanda Ghosh was deep in thought. He said to himself, "What is the use of my saying anything? A masterpiece of ingenuity, this, to be sure!"

Hara.   "What are you thinking about?"

Brahm.   "I should like to do it, but I am afraid. Take back your money, I won't be mixed up in a forgery."

"Give me the money," said Hara Lâl, stretching forth his hand. Brahmânanda returned the note. Note in hand, Hara Lâl was going away, when Brahmânanda called him back, saying, "What! going already?"

Hara (returning).   "Not yet."