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Brahm.   "You just now gave Rs. 500, what more will you give?"

Hara.   "When you bring me that other will another 500."

Brahm.   "Five hundred — rupees! I can't let it go."

Hara.   "Then, do you consent?"

Brahm.   "What can I do but consent? But how am I to change the will? They are sure to see me."

Hara.   "Why should they see? I will change it before you, and you see if you can detect me."

If Hara Lâl was not clever in other respects he certainly had acquired some amount of skill in sleight of hand. He placed the will in his pocket, and, taking a sheet of paper, prepared to write upon it. During this process how the will got from the pocket into the hand, and the paper from the hand into the pocket, Brahmânanda failed to detect. He praised Hara Lâl's dexterity. "I will show you the trick of it," said Hara Lâl, and forthwith began to initiate Brahmânanda in the practice of that unaccustomed art.

It took the elder man some time to acquire