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the knack, and then Hara Lâl said, "Now I'm off. When the evening is over I shall bring the rest of the money." And he took his leave.

When Hara Lâl was gone Brahmânanda became terribly frightened. He saw that what he had consented to do was a great crime in the eyes of the law. Who knows but that he might be imprisoned for life. Suppose some one were to find him out in the act of changing the papers! Then why do it at all? But if he didn't he would have to give up the money already received. This he could not possibly do; no, not as long as he lived.

Alas! Vegetable diet! on how many poor Brahmans hast thou inflicted deadly suffering! Vegetable diet for one subject to fever! Then at the sight of a brass dish or a plantain leaf filled with appetising sweetmeats what can a poor Brahman do? Shall he leave it or eat it? I can take my oath that should the Brahman sit for a thousand years before a dish thus adorned, discussing the matter, he could not solve this difficult question, and, not being able to solve it, would, in sheer absence of mind, swallow them up.