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LABOUR IN MADRAS 77 notice has been issued by the two Mills-notice which all of you must be already aware of. I am not going to give today an advice which is different from what I gave you yesterday. I want you to stand united-all departments of the Mills and both the Mills together. Now I do not know what you are going to do to morrow morning but the advice I would give you is to pass to-day here in this meeting a resolution which will make your path smooth and clear before tomorrow morning. The resolution which after careful consideration with your leaders I have drawn up runs thus: " This meeting of Madras Labour Union views with great regret the notice issued by the Managers of Buckingham and Carnatic Mills to-day, as the plan suggested to the labourers therein will tend to divide their unity. This meeting re-affirms its regret at the action of some who have committed the assault and are sorry the culprits have not been caught, and hereby appoints 18 men as a Special Committee to negotiate with the authorities and bring about an amicable settlement." Those who are in favour of this resolution, hold up their hands. (All held up their hands accepting the resolution with acclamation.) I think we have taken a reasonable, straight-forward and honest course in offering our own hand of fellowship to those people who are responsible for the lock-out. My advice to you would be, see these 18 men and follow them as your leaders if you want to bring this look-out to a triumphant close. Remember that in a great hour of crisis like this you must follow those whom