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90 LABOUR IN MADRAS Mr. C. F. Andrews and Mr. T. V. Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar were also present. The Mill authorities refused to accept the resolution of the Union requesting Mr. C. F. Andrews to intercede. The labourers returned but negotiations were going on. END OF THE LOCK-OUT LABOURS' VICTORY Two out of Three Terms granted THE men numbering over 9000 who met last evening at the Madras Labour Union premises received the glad tidings that Messrs. Binny and Co., Agents of the Carpatic and Buckirgham Mills, have acceded to two out of the three conditions stipulated by the Union for the resumption of work co the reopening of the Mills. Mr. C. F. Andrews who had a busy time all the day in bringing about the settlement, in the absence of the President, Mr. B. P. Wadia. who had an engagement elsewhere and could not be present, announced that instead of submitting to the proposed arbitration, Sir C. Simpson, with the consent of the Directors, gave hope of a favourable consideration regarding the pay to the men for the days of the lock-out, at any rate for seven days as a matter of concession though not as a matter of right, and that he was not willing to take back the two dismissed men as their dismissal was not because of the assault but because of the peglect of duty as the assault had happened in their section of the Mills. Mr. Andrews said further that the part of gratuity fund would be paid to them at the end of the year conditional on their good conduct. He expressed his willingness to stay, if health permitted him, and live on the spot in order to be near the labourers and watch their conditions of