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cause, inch by inch and step by step they fought against those conditions and are in a better position to-day. Labourers in England to-day have great power. If the labourers say that a certain thing ought to be done, the ministers pay attention to it. You can do the same thing here. You should take counsel with those who love you. YOUR TRUE FRIENDS In the great sweep of things which is taking place, there are people arising who begin to understand the needs of the poor, who are sympathizing with the poor, not from a distance but feeling that they are one with you, they want to be, in the real sense of the term, your brothers. I belong to that school. I believe honestly that you have got something to teach me, that I have got something to learn from you but you must strive to use your intelligence and discrimination and find out who are your friends and who are not. When the great Devas want to test human faith, human power, human endurance, human sympathy and love, they send many kinds of messengers to see in how far the devotee is true, firm and enduring. The great Devas of India to-day send you their messengers in one shape or another, and by your discrimination you will have to judge your true friends, and take counsel from those only whom you believe to be truly your honest friends. A friend who is true in every sense of the term will show you that he is willing to sacrifice and suffer for the cause which is yours. I am speaking to you to-day; somebody else will come and speak to-morrow, but the question is who is going to sacrifice for and sympathize with all your difficulties so that you