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know on whom to rely, where to go in times of distress and difficulty. HOPE Remember, therefore, that there is a brotherhood of souls and not only a brotherhood of bodies. I want you to strengthen that tie of brotherhood so that we may be able to understand each other. Do not be dejected, and do not think that you are going to be in this servile condition for ever. We are out here to see that better conditions and states of life come to you. I am making inquiries and I am studying your problems. Before I attack the mill-owners, I want to see where they are wrong and I want to ask them to mend matters and improve the conditions of life of their poor workmen; and if proper arguments are put forward before the millowners, I think we shall succeed. We want to speak to them and tell them that they are dealing with human beings and not with animals, and that if they are going to treat you as human beings and sympathetically hear as and remove such difficulties as are removable, now and here, we will work in a spirit of friendliness and cooperation. Whatever happens, whether we get applause or blame, whether failure comes to us or victory, we will go on and it will depend upon your power of endurance and mine. We shall be able to stand anything provided you show us the way and help us out of the difficulties. Remeinber that I am not here to better my own condition but to see that justice comes to you in the treat• ment given to you. To me there is no failure. I am absolutely sure of success, and if by chance I die before success comes, there is the promise of Shri Krishna that those who die in righteous work come back to carry on