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we must cultivate and add to these qualities the virtue of cheerful self-sacrifice—we must be prepared to suffer for ourselves, for our country, for our brothers, so that our children and our children's children may benefit by our sacrifice. Add therefore to the spirit of brotherliness and self-reliance, the spirit of self-sacrifice. In that way we shall be able to proceed step by step to do our work, beneficent and good, without any harm or evil whatsoever. We shall be able to attain success, triumph and victory. That then is my advice to you for this Saturday. With brotherhood, self-reliance, and independence cultivate the spirit of sacrifice, the greatest of virtues, because without sacrifice the world cannot go on, human endurance cannot go on, civilization cannot progress. Remember those qualities, be united, be independent, and self-realiant, and through the spirit of self-sacrifice, gain that happiness, that freedom, which is the birth-right of every human being. NINTH MEETING On July 13th, 1918, the 9th meeting of the Labour Union was held. Between the last meeting, held on June 1st, when Mr. Wadia was not present, and July 13th when he delivered the following important speech, meetings were suspended under circumstances which are narrated below: MY BROTHERS : Our first meeting in this place was held on April 15th, and since then on every Saturday we have gathered together here till the end of May. The last time we met was on May 27th. Then I stopped the meetings, and on renewing them to day, the 13th of July, I think it my duty to tell you exactly