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30 LABOUR IN MADRAS сеа. In answer to this I received the following: GOVERNMENT HOUSE, DEAR MR. WADIA, 3046-'18. I write to acknowledge your letter of 28th June, which I shall place before His Excellency, who will, I have no doubt, be glad to hear that at this time the meetings have been suspended even temporarily. Yours sincerely, (SD.) T. E. MOIR. Since June 30, I have heard nothing from His Excellency; my letter to Mr. Symonds remains unanswered. OFFERS TO STRIKE While I was doing this you will remember that I have asked you continuously to be quiet and give no causes for complaint. I have received twice from you largely signed petitions, suggesting a strike, which I asked you not at all to contemplate. Some individuals among you have been mistreated and even to them my advice has been to suffer and be strong. Your Saturday meetings were wisely converted by you in to Harikatha performances. Our food stores have done good work for the members of the Madras Labour Union, and I thank you for obeying my orders, and congratulate you on the control you have shown over your pent up and ruffled feelings. ATTACKS Now my Brothers, you will see the importance and value of our work if I tell you that the European newspapers have thought it necessary to speak against us. The Statesman of Calcutta, for instance, has attacked you and me. The local Madras Mail has also done so,