Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/136

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in throwing to goal or to any part on the field. They comprise every variety of throw, and as a general rule, are the most effective and preferable. The body may be in any convenient position for throwing past the left side, though the most natural, is of course the best. One of the most graceful throws in the game is peculiarly Indian, and was greatly in favor in the early days of the Montreal Club, especially in playing to each other. The right hand grasps the butt as usual, the left the collar or above it. If throwing to one of your side, place the ball on the top surface, and pitch from right to left, either ending by a full sweep, or, as is more customary, a jerk. This may be used either for a straight or curved ball, and in throwing to goal as well as to a fielder.

We fancy we can tell members of the old Montreal Club by this pitch. After their crosse has laid dormant for years, they will take it up, and the first throw will be the parallel side-shot. It is more like the throw from the original stick than any other. Front throws, with one hand, simply require that the ball should be propelled off the crosse as the latter is thrust forward; but the throw we are now describing