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Aamhcup, the, a periodical river, 303; splendid mirage, at, ib.

Abeghan, a watering-place, 388; the Author shoots a large bull-elephant there, 391.

Afrika, Jonathan, 349; his adventure with a lion, 350.

Allen, John, 71; enters Mr. Galton's service, ib.; his adventure on the banks of the Swakop, 264; falls sick of a fever, 301; emigrates with Hans to Australia, 334.

Amral, a Namaqua chieftain, 319.

Amulets, great faith of the South African natives in, 179, 319.

Ana, the, a species of acacia, 42, 58; its fruit nutritious food for cattle, ib.

Animals, domestic, of the Ovambo, 201; of the Damaras, 228; of the Namaquas, 324; of the Bechuanas, 454; of the Bayeye, 480.

Antelopes, Author stalking, in company with lions, 210.

Archery, the Ovambo inferior to the Damaras in, 184.

Articles of barter of the Ovambo, 175.


Baboon Fountain, 172.

Bahurutsi, the natives at Kuruman send embassadors to a rain-maker residing among the, 442.

Bain, Mr., the distinguished South African geologist, 333.

Bam, Mr., slight results of his missionary efforts among the Namaquas, 42; his wonderful escape from a rhinoceros, 49, 50.

Baobob-tree, the, 415, 426.

Barmen, its aspect and situation, 106; ill suited for an encampment, 125; return to, 214; second departure from, 241.

Basutos, the famous king of the, 438.

Batoana, the, a Bechuana tribe, 413; their appearance and manners, ib.; their government, 437; their Pichos, ib.

Bayeye, the, expert fishermen, 455.

Beads, in request with the South African tribes, 202; kinds most esteemed, ib., 323, 455.

Bean, a species of white, used as an antidote for snake-bites, 296; the Author falls sick from eating a bean-looking fruit, 354.

Bears, affecting story of two, 20.

Bechuanas, the, their language, 439; first acquaintance of Europeans with, ib.; their want of religious ideas, 440; wizards numerous among, 441; hold a council at Kuruman as to the best means of removing a severe drought, 442; practice circumcision, 448; festivals attending the age of puberty, ib.; funeral ceremonies, ib.; vindictiveness, 450; theft a prevailing vice among, ib.; attire, 452; great snuff-takers, 453.

Beer, 193, 480.

Bees, wild, frequently make their nests in the giant dwellings of the termites, 137; their disposition unusually quiet and forbearing, ib.

Berry, delicious, 145.

Bethany, a Rhenish missionary station, 304.

Bill, a Damara lad in the Author's service, loses himself in the bush, 211.

Blacksmiths, 203.

Boers, the, on the Trans-vaal River, 27; Sir Harry Smith's opinion of, 28; an uncivil one, 328.

Bonfield, George, 336; spoils the Author's watch, 390.

Boom-slang, the (or tree-snake), 294.

Borele, a species of rhinoceros, 371, 372.

Buffaloes, following the tracks of, 462; proof against bullets, 464.

Buphaga Africana, the sentinel bird, 212.

Bushmen, a few met with near Omuvereoom, 158; Lake Omanbondè, called Saresab in their language, ib.; a few met with near Baboon Fountain, 172; and at Otjikoto, 182; legend of a Bushwoman changing herself into a lion, 320; some met with returning from Lake Ngami, 392; their manner of hunting the koodoo, 467.

Bush-ticks, deadly effects of the bite of, 36.

Bustard, the large, very abundant at Schmelen's Hope, 135; the flesh good eating, 136.

Buxton Fountain, origin of its name, 105.


Caffre-corn, the, 188, 482.

Camelopards, a troop of them seen near Omanbondè, 166; one shot, ib.

Canoe, description of a Bayeye, 456.

Cape Cross, a vessel supposed to be wrecked at, 129, 139.